Chan- Birthday

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Chan's eyes fluttered open before landing on his bedside calendar. Noticing the date, he smiled in excitement. It was October 3rd, his birthday!! He got up, excited for the day ahead as he had a day off and would get to see his girlfriend, Y/N. He picked up his phone off his bedside table and was slightly confused as you usually would have messaged him by now. "Maybe she's sleeping in today" he thought as he prepared to go to the studio.

All the members were wishing him Happy Birthday on his way out, so he just could not understand why you had not wished him yet. He was confused. She couldnt have forgotten could they? He checked his phone again, only to find you still hadnt wished him. This was really confusing and concerning to him as even though he didnt see his birthday as such a special day, you always made it a really big deal.

He opened Bubble as he sat down, knowing that he would get wishes from STAYs for sure. But even after looking through the thousands of birthday messages and wishes, he still couldn't fill the emptiness in his heart. The person most important to him—apart from his family of course— seemed to have forgotten his birthday. He could barely focus on the music that day, as his head kept diving into that emptiness, questioning his worth to you. He kept trying to get himself to get back to work, but his mind kept diving back, eventually causing him to break down.

Meanwhile, you were in your local bakery, choosing a cake for Chan. You had been preparing a surprise for him since you had woken up, but in all your haste you had forgotten to message him to wish him. All that was left for you to do was to  purchase the cake and head over to Chan's studio. After collecting the cake, you suddenly got a call from Changbin.


"We need you to come like ASAP"

"Huh why?"

"Chan's been crying in the studio for the past 15 minutes. Figured you're the best person to call. It's his birthday and we hate seeing him upset so come asap"

"Shit ok. Be there in 5."

It was just when you reached the building that you realised that you had forgotten to text him happy birthday. "Shit" you muttered under your breath as you sped to his studio to find changbin and han standing outside peeking in. Changbin turned to see you. "Thank god you're here. We'll give you two some privacy so try and calm him down yeah?"

You lightly knocked on the door before opening it quietly and closing it behind you. It broke your heart to see Chan curled up on his chair, sobbing. He noticed your presence and stopped crying. He looked up at you as you placed your bags on the couch. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks had tear streaks streaming down them. You got him to sit next to you on the couch before hugging him tightly. You apologised non-stop, as you felt your shoulder wet from him starting to break down again. "I'm really sorry Chan, I was so busy trying to make things special today that I forgot the most basic thing. Is there any way I can make it up to you?"

You started to break down, as you felt really really guilty for forgetting this. "I'm so sorry that I forgot to wish you earlier, but happy birthday," you said wiping away your tears and then his, "I got you a cake and some gifts. You can open them later. I'm really sorry for what happened earlier and I would do anything I need to make it up to you." You brought him to the toilet to wash his face, before heading back to the studio to talk things out.

As you both sat down, you soothed his back, as you waited for him to open up. "I'm sorry for making you worry like that Y/N. I thought you had forgotten and I just started to overthink. I was just scared that you— you know— fell out of love." He sniffled a little, trying not to break down again. You pulled him into a loving kiss,hoping that he would see how much you loved him. "I have loved you, still love you, and will continue loving you. Don't ever doubt that. I still feel guilty though, is there anything I can do to make it up to you? Your wish is my command" you said, playing with his hair, and looking into his eyes. "Just stay here, with me" he replied, before pulling you into another kiss. "Of course baby, I'm prepared to stay with you the whole day. Now let's open some of these presents shall we?" He nodded excitedly as you all proceeded to celebrate his birthday, just as you planned.
                                          I got him to calm down.
                                                             He's fine now
Thank Y/N, we were
really worried
Any way why was he
crying in the first place?
                                                 I kinda forgot to text
                                                 him happy birthday.
                                                     I was busy getting
                                                stuff for his birthday
                                              ready then I forgot to
                                                                     text him.
omg y/n u rlly are stupid
ah well at least everything's
fine now

Words: 893

A/N- Exams are over now!! Im so happy we got a chan live and ROCK STAR TRAILER OUT thank god i saved money. Lets do our best for the boys for this CB and the year-end awards!!! STAY FIGHTING!!
(hyunjin ff next week probably)

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