23 - 'Tag? ... tag.'

Start from the beginning

"We're much too low on intel to make a move knowing the team will be safe so we're holding back."

You nodded, taking in the information. The clouds parted slightly, and a warm mid-day sun peeked through the trees and sent golden beams across the house.

The sudden urge to cry burrowed into your chest and pushed, urging you to shed tears as you felt your energy drain.

How exhausted you felt, no sleep would fix it. Your weight too much for your own legs as you dragged.

"Give me a minute to get ready" You mumbled heading towards the stairs.

"We've got gear for you rook. The rescue team that got the hostages out dropped some at the safe house on request, Ghost went and retrieved them, and he'd slipped down a slope, hence the shower."

Soap grabbed the folded clothes from the counter behind him. You smiled, thankful at least as you walked down the hall to a bathroom. Happy that you got to avoid your bedroom. A room that felt as if dread was a place. Stepping in and immediately choking in smoke, inhaling a bland dark pain.

Your room was once a sanctuary for your lonely soul. A refuge of safety, a room that reflected who you were as a person. Almost like a friend, it was everything you liked. It held your memories, your secrets, your enjoyments. A place you always liked coming back too after a long day. The room of your inner child, through the training and the work you did. It was somewhere you could lie down and recharge.

Now, it felt a cold box. An invisible dense sadness to the air, a place of despair. All your enjoyments, memories and secrets pained you. The room reminded you of days that you felt so alone but you never knew the true meaning until you were alone. There was always a sense of your father's presence, until there wasn't. It wasn't the same.

You exited the bathroom after letting a few light tears slip. Not wanting to make your eyes red or eyelashes clump together and give away your weak moment. You readjusted your vest and buckled your belt as you walked back to the living area. You found Soap lounging on the couch and Price fixated on the plants around.

"You shouldn't go out in that gear rook" Price spoke without looking at you.

You threw your arms up, "you couldn't have told me that before I changed, why not?" You asked.

"Going out in public like that will alert the enemy base that they've got another team in their 'supposed' territory. You'll let em know that we're watching essentially" He explained.

Yeah, that should've been obvious to you. Price was just more experienced, doing this for years. You didn't argue, knowing he was right. "Can I come with ya rookie?" Soap cut in.

You looked at him, considering it. You gave him a small nod, shouldn't be too bad at least this way he could tell you what he wanted.

"Mind if I join?" Price asked. "I'd like to get a small idea of the layout in this town" He added. You nodded allowing him too.

"What about Ghost?" You asked.

"I'll go ask him" Soap said getting up. "If I don't get lost" He added as he walked away.

You watched what hallway he went down, just for precaution. You looked at Price who stood up straight with a warm smile. "You got any clothes for us then Rookie?" He asked with a soft chuckle.

You nodded without really being sure. There would he some of your fathers' clothes around they could borrow.

Your father was a muscular man, wide shoulders and a bulky build. Although he certainly wasn't the size of your teammates, he was close too.

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