Golden Guard - Chapter 1

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T.w. Abuse

I had failed by last mission. Emperor Belo's expected me to collect some palismen for him, but I came back empty handed. Luckily, he didn't seem too angry that day.

The sun rose and shone through my windows,
Knock knock
"Golden Guard, the emperor would like to talk to you"
I was startled by the voice, and also a bit confused. Uncle Belos didn't usually call for me on days like these. I suppose that didn't matter, I swiftly grabbed my hood and mask so I could leave to meet The Emperor. Rushing out the door, I scurried through the hallways, only to bump into Kikimora.

"Apologies, Kikimiki"
"Kiki mora, not miki. Is it that difficult for you to understand. Now, I'm in a rush, move out the way."
She's always so stern towards me, I guess I can't be mad though. Why was she in a rush? Not an important mission right? I would have that job, not her. Or is it because I messed up last time. It didn't matter, I was probably just overthinking it.

I continued my journey to The Emperor and knocked on the door.
"Who is this?"
"Just me, uncle. Can I come in?"
"Of course Hunter, I would like to talk to you." He responded.
"So, Hunter, I wanted to talk about your last mission. Actually, it would be better to refer it as your last failure" Belos spoke in an uninviting tone. Calming yet also angry.
Suddenly, I interrupted
"I'm sorry Uncle Be-"
"How dare you call me your uncle after your last pathetic attempt of helping me. Is this what I get for taking you in? I don't want another sound from you."
I nodded in agreement, waiting for him to continue talking.
"Because of this, I will not be sending you to eclipse lake."
I let out a quiet sigh, but almost instantly regreted it. He said not another sound, let alone the disrespectful.
"What was that boy?" Belos snapped. I already knew he was furious.
"I'm sorry Unc- I mean Emperor Belos" Suddenly, I noticed a large green spike flow towards me, in fact straight towards me. Just close your eyes, it will fine. He won't actually hit me hard, he's my uncle. I attempted to remind myself, yet it didn't take long for him to prove me wrong.

The sharp spike scrached the edge of my face. It still hit but barely, so I'll be fine.
"Take that as a warning, Golden Guard. You're not to speak or even utter a sound unless I allow it. You can stay in your room and think about the rules."
I once again nodded my head, careful not to make a sound.
"Now scurry along, I'll see you later. Golden Guard.

I shamfully walked towards my room, nobody was around so I didn't have to put my mask back on. He didn't even call me by my name. I was just, the golden guard. But that wouldn't stop me! I overheard him talk about eclipse lake before, so I know what he's looking for. Titans blood. Anyways, I planned to sneak out, beat whoever is on the mission to the Titans blood, and give it to Belos. Surely he'll forgive me after that?

I gently opened the door to my room. What would I need? A disguise and- um. I need something to do magic I guess. But I couldn't bring my artificial staff, I would be recognized instantly. Hopefully if I'm sneaky enough, I won't need it. But for the disguise, I could pretend to be a normal coven scout? That would do it! I'll take of the sigil from my cape, and I think I have the rest of my old uniform, so I'll wear that.

After changing into the other uniform, I got ready to get going. That's when I heard it.
"Chirp chirp"
It's that red Bird from the previous day. I guess it still stuck with me.
"I guess we should get going little one."

Author Note - I'm excited to work on this story! Just a mini warning, I only recently started writing so I apologize if it's not the best!

Word count : 669

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