Chapter 7

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"You always manage to get yourself in trouble."

They were out of the danger zone and the car was moving at normal speed.

"Can't you just.. not??"

"I would've saved us if you didn't show up and take all the credit!" His tone was familiar to Jennifer; though her brain was too tired to bother.

The woman sighed again.

- Now you're gonna throw a tantrum because I saved you?

Alejandro opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind and remained silent. Maybe because he couldn't think of anything, or maybe because he realized it's not worth the effort.

The rest of the drive was quiet.

Jennifer rested her head on the cold window; the juxtaposition of the window and warm air in the car was delightful to experience. Rain was drizzling outside, which added to the atmosphere. Jennifer started to doze off; she'd had a really long day.

They drove past a speed bump and the car jumped in the air a little. It shook Jennifer and woke her up. She then looked outside.

"Wait , where are we going?" She yawned.

"We're circling the city. Just to make sure nothing happens. It is kind of weird, driving around in a police car." The woman said. "Oh by the way I forgot to introduce myself."

Jennifer heard Alejandro mumble "Oh now you remember." The woman ignored him.

- I'm Camila. Alejandro's sister

"Older sister." Alejandro added. That was the second thing that shook Jennifer in the past hour.

- You have a sister??

"Yeah!" Alejandro gave her a confused look. "Why are you surprised?"

- Nothing, it's just...

- Just what?

- Um... you...

"You look too independent to have an older sister?" Camila looked at her through the rearview mirror. "Yeah" Camila had said what Jennifer was thinking about but couldn't put into words. "Yeah exactly." Alejandro scoffed.

Camila kept looking at Jennifer through the mirror and there was an awkward silence. Jennifer was confused. Camila snapped at last.

- Your name??

- Oh! I'm so sorry! Jennifer.

"But I call her Ophelia." Alejandro added.

- Why?

- Cuz she looks more like an Ophelia!

Jennifer looked at him and they both burst out laughing. Then Jennifer remembered something she had to ask.

"Did you create that yellow-orangish haze right out the car?" She addressed Camila.

- Oh yeah. It was turmeric. Could you smell it?

- ... no?

- Too bad. Aside from the smell, it has a strong color. You can barely see anything through it. I make perfumes by the way! Pretty unique ones.

After some time, they stopped. Jennifer's heart skipped a beat.

"Are we out of petrol?"

- Wha...?

That was the last straw for Jennifer.


- No we...

"I can't believe it! First, I had to get up at SIX IN THE MORNING to get to the stupid university! Then, I had to stay in the library to study. Then I wanted to go home but no! Got a call from my friend asking me to help her with hosting a charity event. What did I say? Yes! Of course I said yes! When can I ever say no? At last, I made it home on foot, and right when I thought I could finally relax, Penny decided to run away under the pouring rain. Then, I bump into you and for some reasons that god only knows why, the police start following us. Then we get arrested! How fun is that! Now we're stranded without petrol IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!!! What did I ever do to deserve this???"

She looked furiously at Alejandro and Camila. They were both looking at her with shock. Clearly they didn't expect this.

"Um... Ophelia..." Alejandro broke the silence at last.

- What???

- Is... this not your street?

Jennifer looked out the window. He was right.

"Oh um..." She could feel her cheeks getting hotter. It was shame. She looked back at the sister and brother. "Sorry I... I had a long day..."

"It's okay." Alejandro said. "Go home. You need to rest."

"Thanks again." In return, Jennifer got a smile and a nod from Camila.

She got out of the car and started towards her house.

She had some explaining to do to her mum.

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