THE HISTORY (part 2)

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After some days the queen of TARGARYEN and queen of ZEPHYR have to attend a royal event .

King of Targaryen: my queen are you going to the event

Queen of Targaryen: yes and queen of Zephyr will also go with me, please tell your guards to set the ship for us

King of Targaryen: isn't the queen pregnant, will she travel

Queen of Targaryen: yes I have asked her , don't worry we will come home safely

At the kingdom of Zephyr

King of Zephyr: is it that important to go

Queen of Zephyr: yes don't worry about me and the baby, and about the delivery day , it's just the first day of my nine months

King of Zephyr: then also

Prince Charles: mother is it important to go there

Queen of Zephyr: yes my boy it's important you go to your room now

Prince Charles nodded and went to his room

Queen of Zephyr: don't worry I am going with Linda

King of ZEPHYR: you know my queen I can't say no to you, fine go and take care of yourself and the baby also

Queen of Zephyr: sure,

After some time she went to Targaryen
And greet the king and the queen

Queen of Zephyr: good afternoon king and queen of Targaryen

King of Targaryen: good afternoon queen of Zephyr, how are you and your baby

Queen of Zephyr: we both are good

Queen of Targaryen: just wait some time then we will go to the ship port

Queen of Zephyr: okay

Both of then went to the room of the queen

Leo: Noona is our mother and charles mother are going somewhere

Bella: yeah

Leo: let's asked them where they are going

Bella: yeah why not

Leo and Bella knock at the door grabbing both the queens attention

Leo: mother can I come in

Queen of Targaryen: yeah come in both of you

They both bow to the queens

Leo: mother where are you going

Queen of Targaryen: we are going in an event that is across the sea

Bella: But mother the weather is not that good

Both the queen: the weather is good my child don't worry

Bella: but-

Queen of Targaryen: and listen take care of you Little brother, and Leo be a good boy okay

Leo: okay mother

Queen of Targaryen: we will return in some weeks

After that both the queen went to the ship port, ready to go to the event

King of Targaryen and Zephyr: take care and come home safely

Bella, Leo , Charles gave a bid goodbye to there mothers , but Bella was having some negative vibes, she didn't mind that much and went to her father with Leo and charles.

The ship sail and sail , both the kings and there children went to their own kingdoms

At midnight

Queen of Zephyr start having pain in her stomach and when her eyes went down her water was already broke then only she called queen of Targaryen

Queen of Zephyr: Linda!! Linda!! My water broke help me!!

Queen of Targaryen came in rush to help her with the female helper

After some hours queen gave birth to a baby girl

Linda: Matilda, it's a girl!!

Matilda started to cry seeing her baby girl, then only the weather become very bad, the waves was very dangerous and the ship could get destroy any second, the captain of the ship told them that the ship will drown by any second because of the tornado, then only Matilda put her baby girl in an box with her locket

Lina: what are you doing? Matilda!

Matilda:it's for her safety, I know we will die today but she I can't let her die here like this!

Linda: how will she knows that she is from royal family

Matilda: I don't know how but this locket is related to me, and i think so , time will tell her, where she belongs.

Both the smile to each other and then only a big wave of tsunami hit the ship

Both the smile to each other and then only a big wave of tsunami hit the ship

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And the baby in the box sail in the
surface of the sea

This was the end of the queen of Targaryen and queen of Zephyr

Later, after some weeks both the kings got the news of the dead of their beloved Queens ,

King of Targaryen: Sam, what about our kids how will they live without there mothers

Sam: I don't know Roan, but that baby can't even came in this world

Both the kingdoms were really in melancholy, hearing there the news of there beloved Queens dead.

Charles was heartbroken as he lost his mother and his unborn brother/sister,
Leo and Bella was miserable crying


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