Chapter 2 : Wonyoung

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I am Danielle Marsh, I am currently the youngest CEO in the world. If you were wondering how old I was, well, you had never believe me, I'm 22. Yes, at 22 years, I am already at the head of the largest company in Seoul. My parents taught me all the strategies from an early age, I was not really interested, actually, I was much more interested in photography but unfortunately, my parents think it should remain a passion and not a profession. I also remember when I told my them that I wanted to open a dance school because I liked dancing, that was obviously a no. They have never seen me anywhere but at the head of the biggest company because apparently it was planned from the beginning. I very quickly understood that I would have to follow all the wishes of my dearest ] parents.

This morning, it was a little chilly, I was standing in front of the window that offered me a view of the whole city. We saw people in suits rushing to get there on time, parents accompanying their children, the elderly coming with their shopping bags, homeless people who fighting every day to survive. Three times a week, I made sure I could buy food and hire a team to distribute it on the streets. All this was anonymous because I didn't want anyone to know it was me, people would think I was doing all this to make a good impression.


"DANIELLE MARSH! MAY I KNOW WHAT IT IS ?!" my mom threw the GOSSIP newspaper on my desk, she was red like the time she caught me sleeping with one of her colleagues, that time I could not help it, this woman was doing everything to get noticed.

"Mom, you know very well it's full of crap and I can't help it. "I said, rolling my eyes.

"I have nothing against your relationships Danielle, I just want you to be more discreet, it messes up our company's image. " she said, massaging her head, poor eomma I really drive her crazy.

"Eomma, I'm sorry, okay? I'll be more careful next time. "I said with a cute voice"


"I promise you, Mom," and she kissed me on my forehead. Despite her controlling side, I love my mother more than anything, even though I often felt lonely because my parents are always away on business.

There were many types of people around me, the people who support me and people who were jealous. I feel sorry for them, they think that with all the money I have, I will be happy, well no, I would have preferred to have a normal life, go on holiday, celebrate New Year's Eve with my parents around a table, watch a horror movie in the living room with friends, take pictures in unusual places without anyone bothering me. In this whole thing, I would rather be the jealous one, I would like to be Danielle and not Danielle Marsh the CEO.

A call cut me off from my thoughts "Hey Bunny what's up?" I said laughing.

"Yaaah Danielle, I swear I will kill you one day." she looked annoyed and it makes me laugh.

"I know you love me too much, you wouldn't be able to kill me BUNNY. "I was deliberately highlighting her nickname.

"I really hate you, I don't even know why we're best friends." well, she looked really annoyed.

11 aeygyo aeygyo aeygyo I stop! So what's the reason for this call?" she sighed.

"Friday night, we're celebrating Miyeon's birthday in a club but don't worry, we booked a VIP room so you won't find yourself on one of the GOSSIP pages." she mocked.

"Ha-ha-ha-Ha very funny Jeon Heejin. Okay, just tell me the time."

" 8pm at the Siren Bar and don't bring back one of your sugar baby please " she seemed exasperated like my mother earlier. "Yes ma'am! See you Friday... BUNNY!" I


"YAAAAAH DANIELLE MARSH I WILL BREAK YOUR BONES WHE-... "I immediately hung up and started laughing for about ten minutes. Heejin is my best friend, we met at my parents' party, her family owns the 5-star hotel and it is the most famous in the capital. Heejin and I had therefore grown up together, we did everything together without any exception, we protected ourselves, she is a like my sister and I am like her little brother. I'm glad to have her in my life.

Knock knock knock

A person knocked on the door. "Come in! "That was Wonyoung, my lastest sugar baby and she is beautiful. She was the kind of girl that every guy would want to have, she was smart, beautiful, cute and so sexy, her boyfriend must have been really stupid to cheat on her. We met in a bar, she was drunk that night and kept crying. I talked to her and kept her company because a lot of guys kept checking her out and if I let this girl alone, she probably would not make it. She had explained all her problems to me, so I offered her a deal, I would be her sugar daddy and she would be my sugar baby. I had already had 4 sugar babies before but I would stop every time when I felt that the girl was starting to get attached to me. Not that I am a heartless person appositely I offer them help in exchange for their bodies, I have to satisfy my desires well. So the contract was clear, no feelings were allowed but only money and sex. The most important thing was that they were all free to not accept it.

"Daddy, could you give me 800,000 won? I'm gonna shopping with my friends today" she said seductively, she placed herself on my lap and put her arms around my neck, it just makes me horny as fuck.

"Sure baby girl... but in exchange, I want you... to suck my dick, deepthroat if it's possible. "I whispered in her ear and nibbled her ear lobe, she shivered.

That was something special about me, I'm a woman with a dick and apparently it excites girls quite a bit. She bit her lip and started sucking my neck, "With pleasure, I'll suck you hard Daddy."

After the good fuck, I decided to take a shower. Fortunately, I had a bathroom in my office, here was like my second home and it was especially practical when I was fucking girls here and after that I had meetings, I had better be presentable. One day, I was fucking one of my sugar baby when my secretary called me that one of our co-worker had arrived earlier than expected. I had rushed so fast that I forgot to close my fly, so all my employees were staring at me. It was extremely embarrassing, I promised myself since then to be careful.

Bip bip bip "Danielle?" I know that voice.

"Appa?! I miss you so much! When will you come back?" I said like a child.

"aeygyo you look like a baby. Appa has a lot of work to do. I promise to come back next week. And how is your mother, always so annoying?" he chuckled.

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