"...taught me that my ways weren't right. There are many ways one can be in this business of mine." Once more his eyes met each of those at the table.

"I turned my life around. I have used my influence, my men to fix lives. Many of my men have infiltrated other organizations. We help as many of these lost souls as we can. That doesn't mean everything I do is above board, shall we call it." He stood to walk to the window. His haze taking in the picturesque sight.

"Dealing in this area, you have to lower your morals." He offered.

He turned back to Yuri. "Do you care for this man?" he asked his grandson.

"YES!" Yuri nearly shouted the word. He blushed, but refused to lower his gaze.

"Very well." Before grandfather could say any more the doors opened. Three of his men came walking in.

"We have reports that several long black cars with tinted windows have arrived in town. They appear to be headed this way." The first man offered.

"Can our men cut them off?" Grandfather asked.

"We are closing the roads as we speak, sir." The second man said.

Grandfather nodded. "Whatever happens. I don't want it to harm the folks of this town. Get as many vehicles as you can, we are going to relocate those staying in the spa." He offered.

"I can call in..." Otabek began.

Grandfather held up his hand. "Thank you, but until we know what is going to be needed, I would rather keep the law outside for the time being." Otabek flushed at these words but nodded.

"Yet, he stays here." Yurio grumbled.

"Because he is already involved." Grandfather explained.

"What do we do?" Yuri asked.

Grandfather smiled down at him. "We sit, have tea, you can tell me all about your life. Why did you give up skating?" he asked returning to his seat.

"Well uh..." Yuri scratched at his face.

Viktor's arms encircled him. Yuri was pulled back against Viktor as mush as the chairs allowed. He covered Yuri's ears and whispered loud enough for the dark haired male to hear anyway.

"He lost his confidence. We are working to get it back." He whispered.

Just then Phichit walked in with Minami. They glanced around. Yuri broke free of Viktor.

"Where have you two been?" he called, voice cracking.

"Oh, um, ..." Phichit blushed deeply.

"Exploring." Minami laughed.

"Are these friends of yours, Yuri?" Grandfather pressed.

"Oh, yes. Actually Phichit is my business partner. Along with Yuuko we bought the old ice castle." He went on to tell his grandfather all about their business idea.

The elder man smiled. "It sounds lovely. You must invite me to opening night." He beamed.

Yuri smiled back nodding vigorously. "That must be why you're training so hard." Mari was beside the open door they led out into the garden.

"We had been hoping you would return to competing. Your still young enough." She added as she snuffed out her cigarette.

"I may, I'm not sure." Yuri offered.

"Right now, I just want Viktor safe and to go back to work on our business." He added.

"Well, we are going to free your Viktor. You know the cherry blossom trees here make a lovely backdrop for a spring wedding." Grandfather smiled.

Viktor laughed as Otabek looked to Yurio who slipped lower in his seat using his hoodie to cover his face.

"I'm fifteen! I'm not going to marry anyone anytime soon." He muttered.

"We were in the middle of such a discussion when they came to get us." Viktor purred.

"Well then, allow me to leave you to your discussion. It looks like I have another meeting coming up." Grandfather dismissed the with ease.

Yuri rushed to Phichit. "What were you doing for two days?" he cried.

"Go talk with Viktor. You will figure it out." His friend offered with a laugh.

In the end they went into the kitchen to gather stuff for lunch. The six of them packed everything up in a basket. Yuri led the way to a great picnic area. They sat around talking, eating and enjoying each other's company.

"Yurio, have you ever ice skated?" Phichit asked seeing how the small male was stretching out.

"Yeah. I love the jumps." He smirked.

"Would you want to be apart of our group?" Phichit asked.

Viktor reached for Yuri's hand. "Can we go for a stroll?" he asked nodding toward the garden nearby.

"Go. We can clean up." Otabek shooed them away.

Viktor pulled Yuri to his feet. Together they walked along the path that cut through the maze of wonderful aromatic flowers. Their beautiful colors shinning as they reached toward the mid-afternoon sunlight.

"Yuri?" Viktor traced the back of the man's hand with his thumb. He hadn't let go of him since they began their walk.

"I like you." Yuri blushed scarlet.

"Do you?" Viktor purred.

Yuri pulled up short. He drew Viktor back toward him. His free hand reached up to cup Viktor's cheek. The tall silver haired man closed his eyes as he pushed into the warmth.

"I do." Yuri whispered.

"I never took thought of who I was attracted to. I never had a 'type'." He muttered.

Viktor opened his eyes to gaze down at the stark face fighting to put into words how he felt.

"I guess it was how the person made me feel." Yuri finally decided.

"It didn't matter if they were male or female. If they made me feel secure, loved or cared for I felt some sort of attraction to them. Mostly it was just with friends." He gushed out quickly.

Leaning foreword he pressed their foreheads together.

"But with you Viktor, I miss your kiss. I want to feel your touches. I like how you hold me..." Yuri was unable to finish his thought.

Viktor pulled him up against him. His strong arms cradled Yuri to his chest as he brought their lisp together. This kiss was more precious to him than anything he had ever done in his life. Yuri had chosen him! Viktor was soaring higher than the birds could fly. With Yuri at his side, he felt as if he had wings of his own.

"I've been falling in love with you since I first saw you, my Yuri." Viktor cooed once they separated.

"My Viktor." Yuri purred stroking the man's cheek.

"Not yet he isn't." A cold growling voice barked breaking the spell of the moment.

"YAKOV!" Viktor cried upon seeing his once savior.

Yuri on ice: Yaoi cafeWhere stories live. Discover now