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"If you're not talking about a car, then what's with the keys?" Bakugo asked his date, only to be met with a smirk as he continues to pull Bakugo along behind him.
"Here," Iida began, pulling out a blind fold, "Put this on, I want it to be a surprise."
"What, are you going to murder me?" Bakugo chuckles, but puts on the blindfold regardless.
Iida continues to lead the blonde for a few minutes before coming to a complete stop.
"We're here princess, take of your blindfold." Iida said while taking off his leather jacket
Bakugo does as he's told and quickly take off his blindfold, but as soon as the blindfold is off he stares ahead blankly, in a sort of shock.
"So..?" Iida asks, needing some sort of validation from his counterpart
"I- it's a-" The male couldn't stop stuttering, not knowing what to say to what he was looking at. The goody two shows class prez had a MOTORBIKE, and it was IN FRONT of him.
"I never liked feeling trapped in a car, and this beauty gives me freedom, so what do you think?" Iida asks once again
"It's fucking awesome!" Bakugo yells, finally snapping out of his trance.
The bike in question is a Kawasaki Z900RS/Cafe (if you don't know much about bikes it is ranked #1 in Japan so check it out on Google)

The bike in question is a Kawasaki Z900RS/Cafe (if you don't know much about bikes it is ranked #1 in Japan so check it out on Google)

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Iida laughs and hands boom boom a helmet, "put this on princess." The blue haired boy said, doing the exact same before getting on the bike and starting it.
Katsuki does the same, getting comfortable in the seat and wrapping his arms around Iida's torso.
"Off we go KitKat!" Iida exclaims as they role out of the parking garage.
(In the dorms)
"Hey Iida?" Deku calls out as he knocks on his friends dorm, "We're worried about you prez.."
The green haired boy waits for a few moments expecting some sort of reply, at the very least a 'don't worry', but there was nothing.
He knocked again
Still nothing
Midoriya tried to open the door, but the handle wouldn't turn
"Iida please.."
Still not a single noise, at this point Midoriya was getting frustrated
"Iida if you don't open up I'll bust down the door!"
"That's it! I'm breaking down the door!"
Deku begins to glow green and red lines pulse around his body, in a swift motion he kicks down Iida's door, finding an empty room, a look of horror washes over his face as he realizes his friend isn't there.
"GUYS! PROBLEM!" Midoriya yells, running into he common room
All of 1-A jumps up and assumes a sort of fighting position, readying their quirks
"What's wrong Midoriya?!" Momo shouts, with equal energy to the green haired boy
"IIDAS GONE!" He yells back
A horrified looks crossed his classmates face and he receives a mix of shouts of concern and confusion
"Wasn't he supposed to be with Bakubro?" Kiri asks with concerns and starts towards Bakugos room, the rest of the class on his heels
"Bakubro?!" Kiri shouts as he stats to pound on the door, "Bakubro, Iida's missing! Open up!" He tries to open the door, but just like Iida's, it was locked.
"It's locked and he's not answering." Kiri stated to the group, voice full of worry.
"Same with Iida." Deku said, "Break it down."
The majority of the class was shocked, this side of Midoriya was a rare sight, but the other part of the class simply agreed and stepped back as kiri got into position to break the door down.
It wasn't long before Kiri had the door on the floor to reveal, yet another, empty dorm, however, this time the window was open.
"W-what.." The redhead stutters, "Where is he...?"
"I'll call Mr. Aizawa, everyone else get to the common room." Momo states dialing their teacher.

Leave me alone
"Yes Yaoyorozu, what do you need?"

Human crafting table
"Sir..Iida and Bakugo.."

Cliffhanger bitches!

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