no hanky panky

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Later that day Jay helped Ni-ki get settled into their guest room instead of sharing whith Jay (Mrs. Park told him that whoever stays over can just sleep on the couch).

"Ahh, thank you so much Mr and Mrs Park! I really appreciate you guys taking me in!" Ni-ki said with a smile, bowing down as well.

"No worries! Let us know if and when you need anything! Jay will tell you all the rules we have.." Mr Park said.

"Yes! Dinner will be ready in about two hours!" Ni-ki nodded at her and went to Jays room.


"Uh apparently you guys have rules here?!"

"Yeah they aren't a lot, I'll send them to you. Wanna play games?"


message from "jay 😛😛"

jay: 1: no hanky panky while parents are around ☠️ (idk why all of our parents have that rule 😨)
2: chores must be done before you go anywhere (theyll let u go anyways)
3: any partner must meet the parents
4: curfew is at 9 unless you talk to them
5: be nice to the maids or else you get kicked out (theyre bffs with my mom 😭😭)

"So I have to have Sunoo meet them now?" Ni-ki asked, reading the rules.

"If you want, either way they loved Jungwon so theyre gonna love Sunoo too."

"Ohhh okay.. Uu guess what!"


"My dad supported me and he even wants to meet Sun! And I can walk Sola to his workplace now!"

"Really? Thats fun! Do you wanna invite him over so that Sunoo can just meet all of them?"

"Yea sure! Should I go ask your parents?"

"Mm.. If you want. After this game though!"



"Hey, Mr and Mrs Park?"

"Just call us mom and dad! If you're comfortable that is.. But yes?" Mrs Park responded

"It said on the rules that anyone we date has to meet you.. So do you want to meet my boyfriend, Sunoo?"

Mrs Park gasped "Yes, of course! We can have him over for dinner anytime!"

"Honey.. Calm down! You're scaring the poor boy!" Mr park said, rubbing her back. Ni-ki laughed before speaking again.

"Could my dad also come? He wants to meet him too.."

"Was he part of the reason you got kicked out?" Mr Park asked with a disgusted look on his face

"Oh- No! Only my mom was.." His face immediately lightened up.

"Then he can come too! What about friday?"

"Yes, I'll ask! Thank you so much!"

you guys im on a roll with the updates 😛😛

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