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Leaving the cafeteria, I saw Caleb sitting with Ivy. I didn’t know that he was still talking to her after all the things she said to me. I stopped in my tracks and Cyan bumped into me

“What’s wrong? Why did you stop?” He asked me.
“It’s nothing. Can we get to class now? I don’t feel too good” I said to him.
“Sure, hold on. Let me get a bottle of water for you and a bottle of milk. You would need both for the rest of the day” he said to me.
“Sure” I said back

He left and returned a while after. I looked at him and we headed to the class. On our way there, he decided that he needed to make a stop.

“Where?” I asked him.
“The coach’s office. One of us has to join the recreational activities in this school. If it is not you, it should be me” Cyan said to me.
“Go ahead. I have zero plans of changing my mind about it” I said to him as I dragged him off to the coach’s office.

We went in and he gave us a form to fill. I smiled at him while he was filling it up. The front door opened and someone came in.

“I am done filling it. When do I show up for practice?” I heard and I turned.
“Oh, wow. Cyan, it looks like you are about to get a new best friend” I said to him.
“Cora, come to join the basketball team? I don’t think we allow girls” Caleb said to him.
“She is here because of me” Cyan said to him.
“What, you can’t move about on your own?” Caleb said rudely
“He can and not that it is any of your business but I volunteered to go with him. What’s the big deal?” I said to him as anger lit up in my eyes.
“Whatever” Caleb said as he looked at Cyan.

Cyan said nothing. All he did was fill the form and hand it over politely to the coach before grabbing my bags and his and heading out with me. I looked at him and removed my hand from his.

“What is wrong this time?” he asked me.
“Why didn’t you stand up for yourself? Why did you let him speak to you that way?” I said to him
“Because he was doing that to impress you and discourage you from moving with me. He was jealous of the fact that you are spending all of your time with me and I saw through the front he was putting out and decided that it was not worth it. Why should I be arguing with someone who is scared of telling a girl how he feels?” Cyan said to me.
“I am sure that you have got it all wrong. Caleb and I don’t feel that way for each other” I said to him
“I didn’t say anything about you being interested in him. I said something so him being interested in you, Cora. Try to catch up” he said to me, walking away.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked towards him. He threw his hand over my shoulders and kissed my forehead.

“I would look out for you, no matter what and I think he would really make a good boyfriend” Cyan said to me.
“I have zero plans of dating anybody in Green Havens. I don’t need that attention right now” I said to him.
“I mean, it wouldn’t be a bad idea” he said to me as we headed to class.
“It would be. They would want to be with me all the time and I don’t think I can handle that” I said back
“I don’t think that is a bad thing still. I am new here. I don’t know how long you have been a loner but things have to change. What do you think?” Cyan said to me.
“I don’t work well with change. I don’t want anything to change. I am fine with the way things are” I said to him.
“Whatever makes you sleep better at night” he said to me with a smile.

I shook his head and we stayed together for the rest of the class. After school, he said he had to make it to the principal’s office and he would meet me in the garden. I wasn’t ready to go to the garden but I had no choice. I got there and saw Caleb hanging out with Ivy. I rolled my eyes and took a seat far from them. I pulled out my phone and my head phones, locking myself out of the world. Someone stood over me as I looked up at the person. I saw Caleb standing there. He smiled at me and he sat down. I looked far off and I saw Ivy. She was staring straight at me and giving me the deadliest of glared. I didn’t know if I was supposed to be scared or amused

“Your girlfriend is giving me the death glare. Should I be scared of her?” I asked him with a smile.
“I don’t care about her. We are not together and I am tired of letting her ruin things between us. I am so sorry for coming at you and your brother earlier at the coach’s office. It is just that we used to spend so much time together until he came along and now you wouldn’t even look at me or go on a date with me anymore just because he is in our lives. I don’t get it. I told you that I loved you and you didn’t even talk about it with me. What is going on with you? With us? I thought we were getting somewhere, Cora. I really thought we were” he said to me.
“Caleb, love is just not for me. My life is too complicated for love. If you get hurt, that would be because of me and I don’t know if I can live with that” I said to him.

Life At Green Havens IIHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin