See Me Fight In Style

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"That would be difficult if no change can be seen of their treatment. I believe the SDC isn't really honest with their employee care, first the most impact that media would take is stopping those Faunus zoos, Faunus trafficking too." I write down the issues about the Faunus that I've read about

"We prioritized these before...but unfortunately the act of violence killed 2 birds with one stone." Blake says meaning for the Faunus treatment and rescue from those harsh working environments

I think in references of my world's American History about John Brown,

Right, I can use my own history but it wasn't that as if Slavery ended on my world

It still went on and that is the same for here, it just exists behind walls that no eyes and ears can see or hear.

"The aim for the industries bankruptcy does play a vital role...Sienna has thought this hard an through..." I massage my head

"What do you mean?" Blake asks me

"I've looked through Sienna Khan's biography and she took Social Sciences and had also gained many awards of her writings...her works were lengthy as a Bible but they sums all of the information and theories of how things may play of them was the use of violence..." I look at Blake

"She wrote's either one leader from the dust will stand and give light to a new order than violence, or the one that will continue to cause it...unfortunately I've tried to search ways to debate that theory but...its weird, its like things are written down like destiny." I look at the others who had been listening in

"I'm not one to believe in destiny...just only on good will bring you good and doing something bad will give you bad, so..." I turn back to Blake

"I'm not saying that you should, but how about you think about it while rising from the dust? If things do change without having a different leader and violence will bring the answer then that would bring a new answer to years of research." I say


"Ladies and Gentlemen! Please help me welcome...Atlas and Beacons' double team representatives! Theses excellent students are to form a full team in the later years and as for today, they will show their uniting abilities as Huntresses!" I could hear the announcement and I sweat

"Help me welcome...hailing from Atlas, Penny Polendina!" I wave to Penny walking out and waving at everyone

Wow that is alot of people

"And our student from Beacon! Mathilde Loisel!" I breathe out and walk, my armor is heavy but a full templar style with a titan sheild constructed with a spear

A full armor helps me to not die infront of international television.

"They will still compete against 4 teams, please help me welcome, Beacons' Team CVFY!" I sweat as I sigh as a number of people cheers

This is just great,

"Hey Mattie! Look at you all suited up." Coco says and I bow

"Hello seniors, it's a pleasure to have this battle against you." I say then Coco laughs

"I thought I told you that you dont have to do that? But also, I want you to do your very best, cuz we aren't going to go easy on you kay?" I smile as I listen to what she says

"Goodluck to all of us." Velvet says and I bow





Yatsuhashi rushes toward me and swung his broadsword then slams it but I blocked it with my sheild

A World Where Im Not Hunted? {Ajin/RWBY Fanfiction}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora