THE HISTORY (part 1)

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Around 9600 BCE

The five great kingdom used to lived with peace and happiness and no wars , the five great kingdoms kings was in very good terms. Even the queen's where childhood friends. After some years there children born and all was sons , they thought there kids will be like them only. At first the five kids they were really good friends but slowly slowly they all used to hate each other but there was some who used to team up and tease the other one . After they grown up they become the new king , later they got married and had children but the new rulers want to rule on each other's kingdom so they waited some years to grow up and perfectly trained there son, but there sons were different from them they always want to live peacefully. Then also they couldn't do anything because they can't disappoint their father. But the destiny have decided something else, after some years when there sons were fully prepared they announced the war , the war was really terrible and for some it was bloodbath, many innocent people died, many kids become ophran because of the war . many died protecting there kingdom from harm.

And at last the greedy kings died killing each other but there sons didn't died they was all injured then also they decided to start a new beginning with peace, happiness and  no wars, living with faternity and love they said "This is for our next...

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And at last the greedy kings died killing each other but there sons didn't died they was all injured then also they decided to start a new beginning with peace, happiness and no wars, living with faternity and love they said "This is for our next generation to generation so that they don't have to be like our fathers"

And at last the greedy kings died killing each other but there sons didn't died they was all injured then also they decided to start a new beginning with peace, happiness and  no wars, living with faternity and love they said "This is for our next...

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This is the new beginning of the new kingdoms

After some years...........

??: Grandma, why our grandpa's used to hate each other
??: Yeah grandma why ?
??: Say it grandma please

Grandma: you three also want to know right but I don't know why they were like that

Queen of Targaryen: Leo, Bella, Charles come here
Leo: yeah coming mother
Charles: yes your majesty
Bella: you two go I will stay with grandma for sometime
Leo and charles: ok big sister

Both of them came out of the gaint room leaving Bella alone with there grandma

Queen of Targaryen: oh Charles! Your so respectful that you call me majesty

Charles: this is all my mother taught me

Queen of ZEPHYR: oh my child! Happy to hear that from you . How are you Linda ?

Charles: oh mother!

Both Leo and charles bow the queen and both the queen started to talk with each other

Linda: I am all good Matilda ,how are you and the baby?

Matilda: I am all good and the baby also .Thank you to take care of Charles

Linda: no need to thanks me he is like my son only, btw which month are in now

Matilda:(she giggled) and said it's the last month and my baby will be with us.( She smiled to Linda and said) okay now I think I should take charles back , I would like to take my leave, queen Linda

Linda:sure as your wish

Queen of Zephyr and Prince Charles
went to there kingdom doing a bid goodbye to prince leo


Helo lovelys
If there is some mistake please forgive
me,So tell me in the comments how was
Chapter, sorry that the chapter is little short
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