Stop Marcel?! the decoy duel Chazz vs. Jaden!

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"Me first" Chazz said and summoned a Zombie monster called "Return Zombie". A fitting monster for Chazz's new Zombie look. Then Chazz activated the spell "Quick rush" which made Chazz able to attack on his first turn. 

"Attack Jaden!" Chazz said in his sleepy zombie voice. The Zombie attacked with it bandages and slammed Jaden three times in the face. Jaden could feel the pain from those attacks. He was rubbing his cheeks. He lost 1000 life points. 

"Jaden are you okay?!" Tara asked worried. Jaden nodded and drew. 

"Yeah I am okay!" He said and was about to summon a monster, when he could hear sounds behind him. Jaden turned around and saw a herd of duel ghouls walking towards them. Jaden sneered. He couldn't duel them all.

"I take care of them!" Tara said "Just make the path clear for us Jaden". Jaden was about to protest, but Tara had already walked over to the ghouls and challenged them. Jaden sighed. He had to do it quick! He summoned "Spark man" to the field in attack mode. He looked at Sparkman, and his monster nodded.

"Try getting passed Chazz, sparkman! Attack that Zombie!" Jaden yelled. His monster rushed over and destroyed the monster. It created a lot of dust. Jaden smiled. He had rushed down towards Chazz. If he just could knock him out, then they could get passed him, and Tara wouldn't have to duel any longer. Jaden was really close, when Chazz noticed him and sneered a little. 

"No Jaden, you not getting passed!" He said and smiled. He summoned his "Voice raider" to the field. Since Jaden was so close to Chazz, he had to lean his body close to cave wall, or he would get slammed by the monster's giant axe, who slammed Sparkman in the head. It got destroyed and Jaden lost life points. Again a lot of dust was created. Before Jaden knew it, a giant hand had grabbed around his neck and had slammed him into the wall. Jaden groaned in pain. He would properly have screamed up, if it wasn't for a little detail. Voice raider was squeezing around his throat. 

"Jaden! Give up!" Chazz said and tilted it's head "Give up and become one of us!". 

"Ne..ver!" said Jaden with difficulties. It was hard to breathe. He was suffocation here. 

"Then the hard way!" Chazz said "Pass out and become one of us!". Jaden tried to get free, but without air, his body and muscles was hard to move and use.  

"Tara!" Jaden whispered inside "Help!". He didn't want to become a ghoul, but he was not sure how long he could stay conscious. 

Ember's p.o.v.

Ember and the others were outside the main gate of the school and was wondering what they should do now. The students was restless and hungry, but Marcel was not gonna keep their words, since they couldn't enter the school without meeting ghouls.

"We must come up with a plan!" began Jesse saying worriedly "The students are hungry!". The others nodded. Ember sighed as well. She was a little hungry as well.

"Do anyone knows where the twins is!" Crowler asked "Jaden and his sister always the ones who usually saves us!". Ember was confused. So everyone was relying on the twins once again. She understood why Tara said it was hard pressure on them. She clenched her fists a little. Tara, and Jaden for that matter, was her friends. She had to do something. She wanted to do something as well. Jesse looked at her a little.

"Ember something wrong?" he asked. Ember sighed and nodded.

"I.. I want to be the hero once as well" She said "Like these cartoon characters I read about as child. I also want to do something and take the pressure from the twins!". 

Yugioh Gx special season 3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن