Passing Judgement

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The guards who took Wukong and Macaque to their cell threw them in locked the door, then walked away with the key, and as they did, Wukong jumped at the bars and tried reaching for the guards as he was no longer restrained by the golden rope. After trying and failing to reach the guards, he cursed out, "WHERE ARE THE STONES?! COME BACK HERE!!" After seeing that they weren't going to come back, Wukong stepped and fell to his knees, and some tears started to prick his eyes, but he tried not to show them because he didn't want Heaven to see him so weak.

As Wukong cursed out the guards, Macaque sat against the wall of their cell. He then felt guilty that they had lost Kai again, although he was safe because of the seal. Heaven could find a way to get him out, then he could be gone for good, and they won't even be able to see him in the Diyuu. He then began to worry and stress that he would never see him again, and this then led to him panicking, and then he began to hyperventilate.

Wukong noticed his mate and went over to calm him down as being in a state like that would help no one, and he may end up hurting himself. To calm him down, Wukong tried to talk to him, but Macaque wouldn't answer, so he sat next to him, pulled him into a side hug so he could lean against him and he then began to slowly run his hands through his hair. Not long after Wukong began to do that, Macaque was able to catch his breath and calm down so he could at least think clearly on the situation.

With Macaque now calm, all they could really do was sit and wait around until the Emporer made his decision. They could try escaping, but that could put Kai in more danger than he's already in. Macaque felt tired after everything, so he rested his head on Wukongs shoulder and fell asleep, leaving Wukong to wait it out. However, he fell asleep about 2 hours later.

Sometime after they fell asleep, they were woken up by a guard banging against their cell, with a serious Ne Zha standing behind him. After seeing that the monkeys were awake, he spoke up, saying, "The Jade Emporer has made his decision. You are to come to the court of Heaven and receive judgement." Wukong and Mac looked at each other in a sad yet fearful way as whatever fears and doubts they had were about to be proven right or wrong. They went willingly to the throne room because chances are that if they tried to escape or attack the Jade Emporer, it would only make things worse for them and Kai.

Upon getting there and once again being pushed onto their knees and being forced to bow, they bit their tongues so as not to say anything they might regret, so they just glared at the Emporer. Once the celestial primates were in front of him, the Jade Emporer spoke in a commanding voice, saying, "For the crime of keeping a resurrected soul and trying to keep them away from the Celestial Host, you will be charged with treason and banished from the Celestial Realm, and once the seal you placed on the other celestial primate known as Kai is removed he will become one of Heavens fighters and will be the one to end you if you ever come to Heaven."

This enraged Wukong beyond belief as he had finally got Kai back, and no way was he losing him again, and no chance in he'l was he letting him become one of Heaven's lap dogs. So unable to hold back any longer, he broke the chains that were restraining him, stood up, and lunged towards the Emporer with animalistic rage. Ne Zha got in the way with his spear, but the Jade Emporer looked unfazed by Wukongs outburst almost seeming to like that he had, Macaque seeing his mate let lose chose to do that same and went into the shadows and took out the guards one but one scaring all to death in the process.

They both rampaged through Heaven, destroying anything and anyone in their path, but even with their wild actions, they were still controlled as they looked for where they were keeping the sealed stones. Turning every nook and cranny, celestial and guard, building and temple to find where they were keeping his sealed stones, the stones had connections to the both of them, but that had been hidden away even to Wukongs golden vision and Macaques hearing so they just searched and destroyed everything.

After Wukong had attacked the Jade Emporer and Ne Zha, he got in the way he was quickly pinned down by Macaque hitting him from the shadows and using his kaiju form to hold him in place. When Ne Zha finally got out of it's grasp he saw the devastion caused by the 2 primates, and then he noticed they weren't entirely rampaging, just searching while high on emotions. So, taking a guess as to why he went back to the Emporer and asked if he could take the stones to them and use them as leverage to catch them.

The Emporer denied this.

When Ne Zha asked why he replied, "I have already sent Lao Tzu (is that how you spell it?) To catch them with the diamond snare, that not even the Buddha himself can break out of." Ne Zha now understanding more chose to exit the throne room and defend the Emporer whilst waiting for Lao Tzu to get there and stop the 2 rampaging Celestial Primates from utterly tearing
Heaven apart. As much as Ne Zha wanted to help the 2 get Kai back he swore an oath to protect the Jade Emporer and he took his job very seriously, so all he could do was stand back and watch.

Whilst Wukong was tearing up another temple to find the stones, Macaque heard someone coming towards them, and when he saw Lao Tzu, he noticed he was also holding the snare and knew exactly what was coming next. He then rushed over to Wukong to try and warn him, but Wukong was so blinded by rage that he wouldn't listen, so when Lao Tzu came, he felt into the shadows knowing they couldn't kill him, so he could break whatever seal they put on him later.

After sensing Macaques magic disappear from behind him, he turned around only to be caught by the snare and as he tried to get out of it, it only got tighter so he stopped fighting it.


(I am sure anyone who knows knows what happened next. If not, keep reading.

If you do, then you can skip to the end so you know when the next chapter starts.

Also, this will be the jist of it, and for the full story, have a look at the Monkie Kid for their version and the overlysarcasyicproductions version of JTTW on YouTube)


Whilst trapped by the snare, he was brought before the Emporer one last time, and as they physically couldn't destroy Wukong as he was, who knows how many times immortal, they tried to cook the immortality out of him by putting him the trigram furnace for 39 days. After the 39 days, they checked to see if the process was done, low and behind it wasn't, and Wukong went on another rampage through Heaven.

He was then stopped and sealed under a mountain for 500 years by the Buddha himself when he made a bet with him, then lost.


A few centuries after being sealed in a cave under the mountain of the 3 stars (i think that's its name) and still a bit pouty that he got caught, a dark shadowy being entered the cave and the the fallen Kings surprise he knew them.

"I finally found you,"


(I LOVED WRITING THIS CHAPTER!!! Also, I am sorry it took a while to post as I have had exams these past few weeks. I have been struggling to keep to some form of schedule.

Also, I love Sun Wukong in JTTW as he was literally THAT strong that the only reason he got caught and sealed away for 500 years was because he lost a bet to BUDDHA!! He was SO strong, and he lost to the being of complete Enlightenment.


(Also, can someone please tell me if I wrote the names right as I am honestly not sure. As they say, "Correct me if I'm wrong)

(I hope you liked this chapter and hope to see you in the next one)

The Missing Piece    (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن