Chapter 2: 𝓡𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓶𝓮..?

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Aunt and I finally made it to Brooklyn, New York, this place has a hint of nostalgia I just don't know why. The city streets look a bit empty since the last time I was here. I look out the window, there were people getting mugged or selling drugs on the corner. I think to myself wondering what happened here. Why does my aunt still live here after all this time.

"I know what you're's bad yes. But something happened. You remember Rio right? Morales? Yea her husband died two years ago. The police department hasn't been the same ever since the death of the captain, so they gave up. Everyone is now doing a life of crime. There is no police, no one stopping them. There is a rumor though, a tough vigilante I guess you can say, We call him The Prowler."

I looked at my aunt, remembering a certain woman in my view. Morales huh? Sounds familiar. Oh yea! Rio Morales. She lost her husband? I hope to visit her someday, I wanna respect my condolences to her. I thought about what I said and I hope to meet her again, it's been awhile.

"You said Morales right? She has son right? About my age?"

"She does yea, oh don't you remember him? His name is Miles. You two used to play with each other when you two were only 13."

I looked at my aunt like she was crazy but then I remember him all too well. His braids, his skin, his eyes. He was always happy, but hearing how his father died two years ago, I bet he's not doing so well either..I should put out my condolences to him as well, it's the least I can do. Once we get to the apartment complex, my aunt parked her car. I look out the window to see my aunt greeting a familiar looking woman. Is that Rio?

I get out the car grabbing my small bag in the process. I took out my air pods and put them back in the case. I, then, put my phone and air pod case in my small bag and went to join my aunt in her convo with Rio. Rio looked at me and did not hesitate to give me a hug.

"Oh look so beautiful grown up..I'm sorry for your loss of your mother. I heard about it."

"Thank you for your condolences, Ms Morales. I should also comply for a condolence for you as well. I'm sorry about your husband, it must be real hard for you and your son now that he is gone."

"Oh indeed it is..but Miles still has his uncle, who he hangs out with most of the time. Oh speaking of Miles..MILES GONZALO MORALES!"

As if on cue, a dark skinned boy around my age comes out. His braids looked way longer than I remember them being. His attire is also different as well, he's wearing a dark purple and black jacket with a black T-shirt underneath it. Along with some slightly ripped black jeans, and ofc Jordan's. Miles and I immediately made eye contact, we stared at each other for a good minute or two until Miles broke the eye contact and looked at his mom.

"Ayy..Mami. What is it?"

Damn did he hit puberty that fast? His voice is deep as fuck and slightly husky in a way. It's been a minute since me and him talked. He's probably mad at me for leaving though.

"Guess who's come back to stay here forever! It's Lilith! Mijo, you remember her don't you?"

Miles gave me a look, it almost looked like a mixture of disgust and unfazed but I could be dreaming..but something in my gut tells me he hated me..he probably does, but if I tell him my situation he would surely understand right?

"Why is she back? Couldn't take the heat.."

"MILES GONZALES MORALES! ¡No dices eso de ella! ¡Ella tiene una razón para estar aquí!"

"Sí..Sí Mamí..Por favor.."

I come back to the city and I'm already getting hated. Miles what did I ever do to you..Oh well, I guess I'll ask him later then. Miles and Rio helped my Aunt and I unload our car and too our apartment. Miles helped with my boxes placing them into my new room as I placed my bags on my bed.

"Where the hell were come back after all this time..?"

I turned and looked towards Miles, technically it wasn't my choice to leave. I only was here for a good amount of weeks until my parents stopped fighting. How the hell do I tell him that and how do I tell him why I'm here. I must remember to be honest with him like how my mom taught me. I sighed and started to speak.
"It wasn't my choice to leave..I was only here because my parents wouldn't stop fighting and my mom thought it would be better if I stayed with my Aunt for a portion amount of weeks. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings those past years, yet again it wasn't my choice. Also, you have my condolences of your father. I've come back because my mom had recently died because of my father's abusing ways. My father is now in jail, he suffering his consequences of his actions. I, however, moved here for good, I am now staying with my aunt. Is that a good enough explanation for you?"

"Sure. Sorry for your loss, I guess. Also I don't need your fucking pity, you know you don't mean it.."

Before I could object, Miles put the last box down and left without saying 'goodbye' which was pretty rude, but I guess he's still recovering. So my aunt did tell me she enrolled me into Visions Academy, Rio told me Miles goes there and he will be showing me around yet again, he has this defying hatred on me. He's gonna leave me stranded that's how it is with drama series' I gotta stop watching those. Anyway, I took my shower, got into pjs, and had dinner with my Aunt. She did have a pretty neat place all to herself, Uncle did do her well until he died, but she inherited his money. After all that unpacking, I finally went to bed that night..

I am not prepared for tomorrow morning..


A/N: LITERALLY TOOK 1040 WORDS. God. Hope you enjoy- Chapter 3 is in the writing rn, and so is 4. Please tell me if you'd like to see any bullies or random girls who like Miles.! Alr bye-bye

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