Chapter 40

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Kyle's POV

As I sat on the couch, all I could see was Tyde's body curled up. The pressure of now becoming a father was definitely getting to him now. He was beginning to look weaker and weaker each day. He wouldn't eat anything or even go out with the boys for a beer.

I had never once before through our 17 year friendship seen him this upset or even disappointed in a situation which involved sex.

I mean I could understand why he was acting this way, you would call it natural instinct. Once you found out that you were going to be the father of a child, who's mother you weren't even married to or even in a relationship with it would certainly have a heavy impact on your day to day life.

I'm not saying that he shouldn't feel the guilt or the pain he feels right now because he actually should, but not to a level where his health is impacted. It was a stupid mistake, I've made my fair share of them as well...of course nothing this extreme or something that required me to devote my whole life to a tiny demon child thing but I did make mistakes.

All I'm saying is that after seeing him so sick of life and himself I for one needed to find a way to cheer him up and make him happy and lively once again. I didn't know how I could pull something off, I mean it would take effort and time but I was determined to make my best friend his normal self!

Tyde's POV

I'm going to be a father....those life changing words kept repeating themselves in my mind over and over again. It was like my evil conscience sat on my shoulder and was making me regret everything I had ever done. The constant fear of not being good enough once again settled in my mine.



Leah would never act the same way around me or even give me the chance to explain myself.

This was all a mistake, a selfish and cruel mistake that I had made by having sex with Florence and I guess you could say karma did come and bite me in the ass. I never wished for this to happen, such harsh consequences for such a small mistake I had made, well they do say you will always regret something you have done. This was certainly the one thing that I would always regret.

Even after being told I was a major 'fuckboy', I continued to go on with my 'player' ways. Now I know why I should have listened, wouldn't be ending up in this situation if I had now would I?

After not having eaten for a solid two days, the sickening feeling was always in my stomach, I didn't even have the energy to stand up anymore, I just laid there on the couch, cuddling with my own body, moping on the mistakes I made.

I guess it was true....I didn't deserve to be happy!

Hey guys,

sorry this chapter is short, it was just a filler on how Tyde feels about this whole situation.

Also sorry for such a late update, I had my half yearly exams and they were really important :)

thanks and hope you like the chapter :)

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