Chapter 368 Family Meeting

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  After receiving such an answer, Shen Chenxing sighed repeatedly. "Oh, it's terrible now, I'm going to be left behind by you again."

  "Morning Star, don't say that. Everyone has their own opportunities. Your top priority now is to stabilize your strength. Once you stabilize your strength, it won't be too late to consider the opportunity to advance to the seventh level."

  "Well, that's true." Nodding, Shen Chenxing agreed.


  After dinner, Shen Xuyao and Murong Jin returned to the room. Shen Xuyao told his wife what happened over the years.

  "What, Xuanxuan is broken up in love?" Murong Jin frowned deeply when she learned that her eldest son was in love.

  "Don't worry, our son is very strong and he will come out slowly. You have to believe in him."

  Hearing this, Murong Jin sighed. "Oh, actually, I like Wuyou quite a lot. I didn't expect that he actually had his own heart and rejected Xuanxuan." Wuyou is the child that Murong Jin watched grow up. It would be a good thing if she could be his daughter-in-law. Son. But unexpectedly, it backfired and he actually rejected his son.

  "Don't worry, your son's destiny has not come yet!"

  Looking at his man, Murong Jin frowned. "Xu Yao, are we controlling our two children too tightly? You see, they are over a hundred years old, and they haven't found a partner yet? In addition to practicing every day, are we exercising too much? Are we too strict with these two brothers? Is that harsh?"

  "Perhaps, we are indeed a little harsh on them. However, we do this because we want them to live. This is Tianmang Continent, not a low-level continent or a medium-level continent, but a high-level continent. They currently only have level five strength. This is With such strength, just a seventh-level soul pet master can kill them if they go out!" In fact, Shen Xuyao doesn't want his son to be like a robot, practicing all day long, but there is no way, if he wants to live , you must have superior strength.

  Murong Jin nodded after hearing his partner's words. "I understand, I understand your painstaking efforts. You want your two sons to be able to protect themselves. Then you can go out and enjoy love and life."

  "Yes, I think keeping them alive is more important than enjoying life." Tianmang Continent is a high-level continent, a more realistic and terrifying place than low-level and medium-level continents. If you want to To survive in a place like this, you must have strength.

  Hearing this, Murong Jin fell silent. He naturally understands the painstaking efforts of a lover. He just couldn't bear to have his two sons working so hard every day.

  "Murong, you have to believe in them, believe that they can become talents, believe that they can become great and strong people in the future. They can all have their own lives." Shen Xuyao was full of confidence in his two sons.

  "Yeah!" Murong Jin nodded and said nothing more. Because he believes that his lover's decision is always the right one.

  "Now, Xuanxuan and Ruirui's strength has stabilized at the mid-level five. In two days, the three of us, father and son, will go to the ring space to retreat together. You remember, during my retreat, if the two children If they need to retreat, let them go to the ring space to retreat. In this way, when I come out and we leave the sect, I can take them with me." There are four caves and a cave in the ring space, which can accommodate them at the same time. Five people are in retreat. Therefore, Shen Xuyao feels that even if his two sons have been in retreat in the ring space, there will be no problem and it will not affect the rest of the family's retreat. Moreover, in this case, it will be convenient to take my two sons with me when I leave.

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