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As they walked into the dining room jack, the monkey came running forward with what looked like what only could be sparrows hat. "Jack." Barbossa said in awe. "What do you have there?" He said reaching out for the hat. Jack handed it over with a cheeky grin than climbing onto his shoulder. "Now I would say this looks a lot like a certain pirates hat." He said than winking at pearl. She did a small chuckle to herself. Barbossa threw the hat on the floor before taking a seat at the head of the table. Pearl joined sitting at the opposite end where her seat was set. They both started to enjoy there feast of a meal, while jack simply ate an apple. "So how long will we be having jack for?" Pearl asked starting a conversation. "Well either as long as he appears useful to us or until I find the highest bidder." He said taking a sip from his glass. "Or maybe ill just throw him overboard when I've had enough of his withering soul." He said with a grin. "Will we just leave him in his cell? It seems rather cruel if he does end up staying with us-" pearl started with a small hint of sympathy. "Cruelty is the least of my concerns with captain jack sparrow on my ship." Barbossa cut in. "Oh I see." Pearl said returning to her meal. "Tell me, why do you want to know what happens to sparra?" He asked intrigued. Pearl shrugged. "I don't know it just you've told me so much about him and well now he's really here and its just wow. The man that caused your crew to be cursed for 10 years is here and I wanna ask him what was going through his-" pearl was cut off by a loud noise made by Barbossa as he stabbed his knife into the table. "You are not to talk to that flea ridden manure of a man, do ye hear?" He asked pointing his fork at her. She nodded slowly. "I don't want to see you go anywhere near that cell or the brig at all pearl." He said sternly. "He has the art of deception, he even deceived your mother a-" Barbossa started returning to his meal. "He knew my mother?!" Pearl said half surprise and shocked. Barbossa shot her a warning glare which made her slump down in her seat. "I don't want to talk about this anymore and don't bring it up again." He said seriously. Pearl just kept her head down staring at what remained on her plate. You could cut the tension with a knife in that dining room for the remaining time of there supper. Barbossa stood up clearing his throat. "I'm going to go on the deck for a while, think it's best you go to bed now aye?" He said walking to the door. "Aye." Pearl said quietly. As pearl got ready for bed she couldn't stop thinking about her mother whom she had never known and she thought of how sparrow knew who she was, Barbossa shared these thoughts as well staring into the night sky on the deck.

Barbossa and his daughter PearlWhere stories live. Discover now