『 CHAPTER 45 』

Beginne am Anfang

Kirino sighed. "You just want to eat something expensive."

"Shindou-senpai is sponsoring us! If you think I'm passing up on the chance to have something like gelato or whatever, you're wrong!"

You laughed alongside a few others.

Shindou sweatdropped. "What about the others?"

"Hm, I do want to try that thing called h'doueveres?" Kurama said.

"It's h'ordeuvres ," Shindou corrected

"Yeah, that thing."

"We should have a buffet! That's the best of every party!" Amagi said.

You nodded, hopping for lots of meat. You and Amagi high fived for sharing the same opinion.

"U-um, what deserts can you serve Shindou-senpai?" Hikaru asked.

"Since the dinner part will be held in two days' time, at best, my chefs can prepare something locally or foreign treats are already being sold here."

"I ⸺ I think I'll have some ice cream...."

At ice cream, you brightened and waved a thumbs up. Hikaru flushed red, happy that you would like ice cream as well (he can share with you! The thought of it almost makes him melt.)

Shindou chuckled at your enthusiasm. "Then I'll prepare that, too. Aoyama, Shunsuke, what about you too?"

"We'd like for the buffet, too," Aoyama said for the both of them


You swore you saw Tsurugi jolted a bit, but he managed to remain nonchalant. He replied, "The buffet."

"Going with the crowd, huh?" Kurumada teased.

Tsurugi sighed. "As long as it's edible and I do not get food poisoning."

"Fair enough. Yo, Shindou, I want some fancy onigiri!" Kurumada and Nishiki fist bumped.

"Understood. Kirino?"

"Since there's the buffet, I'll have that, too."

After the managers, Haruna, and Endou input their own suggestions, the discussion moved to drinks.

♡ --- ♡ --- ♡


You turned to Tsurugi.

"Are you going to see him? Amemiya-san, I mean."

Your mouth opened, then closed. You nodded. "Do you want to walk together?"

A fleeting moment: Tsurugi's cheeks dusted pink, but he hid them underneath his hand. His eyes glanced to the side. "If you do not mind. Ah, and if I'm not intruding on you and Sangoku-san."

"Oh, you're not," Sangoku said, reappearing with his bicycle. "I'm on an errand, so I won't be able to accompany [Nickname]."

"I ... see...."

Sangoku gave a friendly smile. "I'll have to go now. Be careful and have fun, the both of you."

You nodded, gesturing. "You too, Chi-senpai!" while Tsurugi just nodded The both of you watched as Sangoku cycled out of the gates.

"Shall we go?" Tsurugi asked.

You nodded, hand held out.

Tsurugi blinked twice. Looked at your hand. Finally, he sighed. His fingers gently intertwined with yours, giving warmth to your cold fingertips. For a moment, he wanted to ask, "Do you this often with Sangoku?" but he hesitated. First, this was probably a fact. Second, he ... didn't quite like the idea that you've always held hands with Sangoku. Third, he didn't like that he didn't like you holding hands with someone else.

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