Olivia's cheeks flushed, and she felt a warmth spreading through her. "I like you too, Gracie. More than I expected."

"I promise I won't disappear in the morning this time," Gracie said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Olivia chuckled, her heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time. "I'll hold you to that,"

"I wonder what's taking them so long..."

And there stood Taylor and Conan, and now with Dianna, all exchanging knowing glances. They stood quite the distance from the booth, just enough to see both girls smile at each other, also enough for them to get the message that everything went well.

And with that, Taylor couldn't contain her excitement. "I told you, Conan, I'm a wingman extraordinaire!" She whispers to Conan's ear.

Conan chuckled, whispering back. "You certainly are, Captain Taylor." While Dianna just giggled at them.

And once they returned to the table, Conan, unable to resist a moment of teasing, chimed in with a grin. "Well, it sounds like you two have quite the connection." His eyebrows raising up and down.

Taylor teased with him, "Yeah, you both seemed pretty smitten from the start."

"I've got to say, you two were practically glowing. It was hard not to notice." Dianna joined in, laughing.

Gracie chuckled, giving Olivia a sidelong glance. "Well, I guess our secret's out,"

Gracie laughed, and Olivia joined in, the tension between them fading further. They spent the rest of the evening sharing stories, enjoying each other's company.

As the night at the diner wore on, Dianna chimed in with her own story, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "You know," she began, "I remember when I first met Taylor, she had this adorable habit of humming her favorite songs when she thought no one was listening. It was so cute, I wanted to squish her little cheeks" The others laughed, sounds something like Taylor would do.

Taylor playfully nudged Dianna, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. "Hey, that's a secret!"

• • • • •

"I had fun! I'm so glad we were able to catch up" Taylor bid the group her farewell for the night, hugging Conan, Olivia, and Gracie in the process. Quite the hugger, she is.

"Yeah! Thanks for the invite, Tay! It was also nice catching up with you too, Dianna!" Olivia replied, smiling. The other two, Conan and Gracie, agreeing.

"Of course! You three as well!!" Dianna waved at them.

The three got into Olivia's car, waving back and driving away, smiling.

That leaves Taylor and Dianna standing on the sidewalk, finally enjoying the moment where they're all alone and shared a meaningful look.

Taylor, being the first one to break the small comforting silence between them, grabbed both Dianna's hands in hers. She smiled, "You know, those two reminded me of us", making Dianna chuckle. Like lovestruck idiots.

"Yeah, they do"

• • • • •

The drive back to Gracie's apartment building was filled with cheerful chatter. The connection between Olivia and Gracie had deepened over the course of the evening, and it was evident in their smiles and the way they looked at each other. Conan, in the backseat, couldn't help but feel happy for his friends (and also feel sad for himself, what the fuck...)

Upon reaching Gracie's building, Olivia parked the car, and they all stepped out. Gracie turned to Olivia with a warm smile. "Thank you for tonight," she said genuinely. "I had a great time."

Olivia returned the smile, feeling her heart flutter. "I'm so glad you came back into my life, Gracie."

Conan, ever the supportive friend, chimed in, "And remember, I'm always here for some good old wingman duty if needed."

Gracie chuckled. "Noted."

With a final wave and promises to meet up again soon, Olivia and Gracie parted ways for the night, both of them feeling hopeful about what the future might hold.




[A/N: I had fun writing them and Swiftgron at the same time lol!

I also hope u enjoyed it as much as I did!

To all my swiftgron peeps who r reading this, this one's for youuuuu



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