Chapter 9

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As soon as Elias was allowed out of the cell he hurried towards his own, determined to hide into his bunk for the rest of leisure time until they were out on lockdown. Unfortunately, he couldn't avoid being seen by the other inmates, including Leonardo's men, who were standing close by. 

"A bitch just got put in her place, eyy? Bet that ass be lookin' red as a cherry right now!" Someone clambered loudly, making some other people laugh and snicker. 

Elias' cheeks burned with shame as he finally stumbled into the small room. He didn't waste time climbing into his bunk and pulling his blanket over his head to try and block out their words. 

He felt his eyes tear up as he rubbed his tender asscheeks, and he bit back a curse when he put pressure on the skin. This would probably bruise tomorrow, along with his neck. His throat still felt sore after being choked almost to the point of passing out. 

As he thought back to what Leonardo had done to him, Elias felt the humiliation come back to him. He had been punished just like he was a child, and the man had put so much strength in those hits, there was no way somebody hadn't heard what was going on. 

Yet, despite the embarrassing ordeal he was put through, he couldn't find any anger left in him. It had been completely squashed and replaced by cold and pure fear.

When the Italian had him pinned against the wall by his throat, he knew then that there was no doubt that he had killed before. His glare had been cold and held no mercy for him. A shiver went down his spine at the thought of those dark eyes boring into his own. 

There was no doubt in Elias' mind that Leonardo's threats weren't empty promises, and he was glad the man had decided to spare him.

He would definitely lay low, at least for a while. Elias may be a strong-willed and stubborn, but he wasn't stupid enough to tempt the devil.

The alarm that announced lockdown rang, and Elias listened as the inmates walked back to their cells and the metallic doors closed with a thud one by one. Matteo came in and climbed on the top bunk without a word, allowing Elias to release the breath he was holding. For once, rather than feel annoyed at the man's silence, he felt grateful that his cellmate wasn't a talker. 

Elias tried not to think too much as he let the sounds echoing all around the cell block slowly lull him to sleep. 

The room was completely pitched back, except for one dangling light which barely showed his surroundings. He tried to move, but he found his arms and legs being attached to the wall behind him with heavy metal chains. 

He heard a chuckle in front of him, and he sucked in a breath when he saw John Hampton, his father, step into the light. 

"Hello son, I'm so glad to finally see you after so long." Elias wanted to speak, but he seemed to be unable to .

The man grabbed his chin in a rough grip as he grinned.

"You thought you could meddle in my business with consequences, hmm?  You got too confident, Elias." John released him and stepped back, putting his hands in the pockets of his long coat in a nonchalant way. Footsteps came from behind him and seemed to be coming closer.

"Let me remind you what happens to those who mess with me."

Just as he said that, Leonardo came to stand beside the man. Elias was shocked to see him, and he felt uneasy when he saw the evil smirk he was wearing. 

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