Story of ALEX FLAG Chap3

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Alex Flag, Alex was the son of the rich businessman Jimmy Flag who was known for investing in buildings that were  high in profit. Alex had his own law firm and also  was the second best lawyer in his Law firm, just behind  Chelsea T(which is the daughter of John T and older sister of Blake T).

Alex always had a grudge against Chelsea as she was always ahead of him by one step and she was always happy every time he saw her face. Some say Alex had a little crush on her , could her.?🧐

Alex had an obsession with shoes especially new ones just like his father but he didn't like them for wearing sake , he liked them so he could  have  assurance  he could achieve anything he wanted either with his money,looks and talent. Alex was once walking through the cold and silent streets one evening  until  a drunk woman suddenly appeared and looked at him in a  coquettish way. She  then unexpectedly  tried to jump on his arms but the  cold handsome man swayed to the side and she banged her shinny head onto the glass wall. As much as he wanted to just leave her there he decided to help her up. He crouched down and he was about to lift her until Alex looked at the glass wall and you would think he was looking at his attractive facial features🙅‍♂️ but he saw a poster and that poster had a red item on it not any  red item , it had a red stripped exterior and dark interior  and there was rare purple at the bottom. What he saw was no ball or random item it was the magnificent and glorious SHOE.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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