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In 2070,The shoe,this wasn't any random shoe it was a masterpiece. The sides were  sprayed with dark red it had unique lacing and shinny sides, every man and father wanted this shoe.The grey interior on the inside beamed whiles the red exterior shone like the almighty sun but red.

The bottom was purple,not any purple  it was a purple that  was a rare type of color at this time . The creator of this magnificent shoe knew what he was doing.

The creator of this satisfactory shoe was named. John,John T.He was a 43year  old man who once took a liking in creating shoes ever since his dear wife died on her birthday,some say.However some say she left him and fled to America for the so called "American dream",some say she never existed even though he had two children.

John T's children were both in their early 20's and their name was Blake and Chelsea,Blake was 22 whiles Chelsea was 24.They both had dark but hazel eyes and brown hair.They equally loved shoes as much as their father they both wanted the shoe that was glorified by everyone. I know you might be thinking why can't they just ask their father  for the shoe or at least try the shoe but the reality is Blake and Chelsea  never actually knew their father was the creator of the Shoe🙈.

Blake was a 6ft man 👺who worked as a Dj ,who was also an ex-gang member trying to change his life around for his loving father and family.
Chelsea , on the other hand was a sweet young women who worked in a huge law firm , that's what you would think but in truth she was a fierce women who used to be the leader of the gang her brother used to be in but just like her brother she left, some say because of her mother death of disappearance.Chelsea did work in a law firm all that was true but she worked for ALEX FLAG (key character to remember 🤫.)

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