Chapter 4 Early Lunch

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"Why the hell do you want to know?" Billy said, death staring at Brahms.

"It's not me. Y/N wants to know everyones favourite food. " He said a little less patient this time and still in his childs voice. I wonder what his voice really sounds like....

"THE NEW HOT PATIENT! And their name are hot, too!" I said excitingly while jumping up while Billy just looked tired while Brahms looked angry and glared at me.

"Look, man, if it will make you go away, anything meaty. Okay?" Billy said while flashing a fake smile. Brahms wrote it down and went to the horror book section where I see Y/N standing there looking at books.

"I wonder why Y/N needs to know our favourite food?" Billy said almost reading my mind.

"She/He seems cool, Hey! Maybe we could play movie trivia with them at the get-together!" I say remembering the times when we would play movie trivia with our victims.

All of a sudden, our nurse calls out everyone to line up for the get-together.


Ughh, we do the get-together every Tuesday it's so annoying. I normally just talk with Stu, but still, it's boring as hell!. Me and Stu get up wrestling each other to be first in line, but Michael comes over and takes the spot.

"GREAT now none of us are first idiot!" I say while pointing the middle finger at Stu.

"Whatever, at least I won the wrestling match!" Stu says, jumping in front of me smiling at me.

"Hell no, you didn't!!" I push him around until the nurse stops us.

"BOYS! stop, we are missing someone......wheres Y/N?" Miss Marial says, looking down at her notes then back at us. she seems worried and calls the guards over. "Y/N is missing, and i dont know where they went....." says Miss Marial, afraid of losing her job. The guards call someone on their walkie-talkies, and after a couple of minutes, an alarm goes off. All of the guards rush out with one of them yelling.
"FIND Y/N!!"

"Hey Miss Marial, how dangerous is Y/N?" Stu asked while poking his head out from behind Michael.

Miss Marial signs and opens her file she has and says. "Y/N killed her father at 14 years old......and put 3 people into a coma.......and bit off some kids ear, oh! She/He also has escaped 17 different asylums and 3 prisons. But I don't know how they did that..." Stu was surprised, and so was I. 14 is a pretty young age to kill! She/He was still only a child and 17 asylums! Maybe they can help me and Stu escape. Miss Marial heads us out anyway towards the get-together area, which is a room with light blue walls and white floors with a circle of chairs in the middle and tables and chairs on the sides of the room. There are also art supplies and a small bookshelf in the corner of the room. We all sit down, and Miss Marial tells us she will be right back before heading out the door we came through.

Brahms is drawing at a table, and jason and Michael are sitting in one of the chairs in the circle. Freddy is just walking around while Hannible is sitting at a chair in the middle in a sensible way, waiting for the nurse to come back. While me and Stu are just talking to each other in the circle of chairs.

~20 Minutes Later~

"Well...shes dead," Stu said jokingly. I laugh and say.

"Where do you think Y/N went?"

Stu rubs his chin to look like he's thinking hard, "Maybe She/He escaped already?" I shake my head at this.

"Dude, they have only been here for like an hour its impossible." Then I hear glass break behind me, and when I turn around, Y/N is there with a backpack on Her/His back and a bottle in their hands.

"WHO'S HUNGRY!" Y/N yells while taking a sip of the bottle they have in their hands. They walk over to a table and start pulling out loads of burgers and food from their backpack. Everyone gets up and rushes to the table. Y/N then brings out some whiskey and burgers with fries, pizza, loads of meat, and a bag of candy. And a huge Shepard's Pie with 2, 6 packs of beer.

"Whats all of this!? How did you get this!?" Stu said while reaching for the beer and taking a sip.

"If im gonna stay here, I'm going to eat how I want." Y/N said while handing food to everyone. That's why they wanted to know everyones favourite food!

~10 Minutes Later~

~Stu POV~

Everones eating their food and drinking the beers except for Brahms, Jason, and Norman, but everyone else is pretty much wasted. I go up to Y/N, who is talking with Brahms, and reach my hand out to them.

"Im Stu! Thank you soooo much for *hic* the food and drinks. It's nice to meet yooooou, " I said, slurring the last word, but Y/N just laughed and shook my hand. They have such a warm voice. We just smiled at each other until the doors slamed open and a very angry Mr Loomis came in.

Word count:1383

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