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I'm sitting in my office when I hear them coming in the door. I don't move to get up. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and the door closes shut. I'm hoping he didn't say anything to hurt her. I might not be a killer but, I will kill him if he hurt her. A few moments later there's a knock on the door. Instead of waiting for me to say to come in the door opens. Why did he even knock? to announce this present before he even walked in?

He throws himself on my couches in front of me putting one of his feet over the armrest and the other on the floor. "So little brother, how are we going to rescue Miss Damsel in distress?" He asked teasingly.  He's not taking this seriously. He thinks this is some kind of big joke. I leaned back on my chair sending daggers to him but, his expression didn't falter. It amused him to see me angry.

He lifts his hands in surrender. "Don't worry little brother. I'll let you have all the credit so you can be the prince who saves the princess. She'll kiss you in admiration." he says jokily. He winks at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"She's not a damsel in distress and I would appreciate you not talking about her like that!" I screamed at him. I won't let him talk about Adelaide that way. She never needed someone to save her. Plus, the only reason she needed saving is because of me. I'm the reason why she's kidnapped.

"Ooo. Hit a nerve did I?" He replied, smirking. I narrowed my eyes at him. I won't let him see that I care about Adelaide. He'll slowly take away everything I love and leave me with nothing. He'll take away Adelaide.

"I would have to care for it to hit a nerve,  Jack," I said in the coldest voice I could. I had to pretend I didn't care, that I was doing this for my daughter. His smile drops but, he recovers fast. I can tell he's trying to read my mind but,  can't. He can't see the grief I'm trying so hard to hide. Maybe because he doesn't have emotions like I do.

"You're telling me you're trying to save this girl because she's your daughter's best friend?" he questions,  obviously not believing me.

I lean forward and straighten my back. I look Jack straight in the eye and lie. "Yes. Adelaide is the most important person to my daughter and my daughter gets what she wants."

He nods. I can tell he believes me guilt fills me. I feel guilty about lying about him But, then I remember he doesn't deserve me to feel guilty.  "Okay. My people have already started to locate Adelaide and, when they do find her then I'll go in with my people-"

I interrupt, "I want to come with you to extract her from her stalker."

He laughs uncontrollably throwing his face back. I stare at him in annoyance and angrier. Why the fuck is it so funny for him? There's no way I'm letting him talk me out of getting Adelaide. I have to be the one to save her.

'Why are you laughing Jack?" I asked getting angry. I tried not to let my emotions show. He'll use it for evil.

"You're not coming with me, Carter. You have been out of practice for years. The only thing you're going to do is get your precious Adelaide killed' he states firmly.

I practically jump out of my seat onto my feet and slam my hand down on the desk. "There's no way I'm letting you go there alone Jack."

Shit. I let my emotions get ahead of me. Now I'll pay the price for it. Completely unfazed he stands up from his chair and looks me straight in the eye. "You need to leave your emotions at the door. Your emotions are going to be the reason Adelaide gets killed. You need to let me do this,"

There was no way I trusted him with this and I'm damn sure not going to trust him with Adelaide's life. I don't care if he owes me. As soon as Adelaide's in his hand, he could kidnap her because he wants revenge against me. I don't trust him. I know he's no longer buying that Adelaide isn't anything special to me and I hate myself for it.

"I'm sorry that I don't exactly trust you, little brother, to deliver Adelaide safely. They call you the devil for a reason," I stated. Plus, we haven't seen each other in years. We both have changed. Of course, him for the worse. I wouldn't have said better for me either but then everything that resembles good comes into my life. My sunshine in the darkness.

"You are not coming to this hunt and that is final, Carter. Don't think you were playing me with that innocent. I only care about Adelaide because she's my daughter's best friend bullshit. I knew about Adelaide way before you called me. Ma says, hello by the way."

My mouth was wide open. He probably was checking on me before I called or had people follow me. I don't know what to say but,  the silence is just going to confirm everything he just said was true but before I could say something he spoke. "Of course, as usual, you thought just with your penis instead of your head. You were always chasing the women. Falling in love makes you weak, it has always been your downside and now proven it,"

"Falling in love with someone is not a weakness. It makes you fight harder, love harder," I screamed back at him. He wouldn't understand. He can't understand. He had lived his whole life in the mentality that love makes a weak and easy to kill. That we need to be cold-blooded soldiers to be strong. Kill or be killed.

"Yeah, yeah little brother. Save the speech for someone who cares. You wouldn't have called me if you didn't think I could save Adelaide. So you need to let me do this, Okay?"

I hate this idea so fucking bad but,  he's right. I hate saying it. The one person who could save Adelaide is Jack because this is not personal to him. He's completely detached. I have to believe he will bring Adelaide back to safety. For my insanity. I nod. He takes his leave and I sit back down in my chair. God. What did I get myself into?

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