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The Watchtower

April 13, 13:23 EDT

Jenna blinked the spots out of her eyes when the Zeta Tube's light faded, following the computer's announcement of her arrival. "Recognized: White Canary, three-seven." Despite being there with a purpose, Jenna opted out of wearing her new all-white garb. She was sure no one would mind, seeing as she had an excuse.

"Welcome back."

Jenna had her arms crossed as she stopped in front of Oracle and Black Lightning. "The break helped," she admitted. "I figured it was time to get back into things. You said you had something for me?" If anything, she just wanted to get out of her empty apartment.

With the press of a holographic button, Lightning pulled up a computer screen. "Meet Nicole Divine."

Shown was an image of a woman in a suit appearing to give a presentation of sorts. Everything about her screamed 'rich do-gooder'. But looks can always be deceiving.

"Who is she?" Jenna wondered, a puzzled frown on her face.

"A multibillionaire," Oracle butted in. "Calls herself 'an entrepreneurial guru'. She's flamboyant and a showman, but she does some good."

Proof of that was shown from photos of her with important figures and people in poverty alike. Jenna was never a fan when things like that were so clearly staged but she ignored the feeling for the time being.

She sighed. "Well, I guess there are worse people out there."

"She's been dealing with some bad luck in the past year or so," Oracle continued, turning to pull up some more footage. "Remember the refinery explosion in Rheelasia seven months ago? Where Singh Manh Lee almost died?"

Jenna's eyebrows went high. "Damn. The chemical leaks, fires, even floods? Yeah."

Oracle nodded. "That's only one of them. Any Devine project turns out similarly."

"So, what, do we need to start figuring out who did this?"

Lightning stepped back in. "No," he said. "We already know who's behind it."

The screen changed, revealing a group of masked individuals in green suits. The only bit of skin visible was around the eyes and mouth.

"They call themselves the Green Brotherhood," Lightning explained. "They're an eco-terror group, striking anything they see as environmental threats around the world."

"Ivy should join," Jenna mumbled.

"They've been destroying Devine's projects and inciting fringe groups in the various countries around the world where Devine has a big impact. We need you to get close to Devine and try to find out who the Green Brotherhood are...and why they have it out for Devine personally."

Jenna gave a deadpan look. "By 'close' you mean...?" She made a face as she eyed a photo where Devine had an attractive woman on her arm.

Oracle chuckled. "Nicole is known for her open sexuality, so yes, to an extent," she said. "Anyway, I'll help you out from here. There's a Gotham event in a couple of weeks where she'll be present. It'll be a good place to get close without drawing suspicions."

Jenna nodded slowly, examining the information as she tried to soak it all in. "Alright," she agreed.

Then she ran a hand through her hair, glancing up at the fading blonde strands with a sigh. "I've been putting off redying my hair anyway."

Oracle turned to her. "About do you feel about changing it up? I need you to be a bit more under the radar than normal. After all, your face is all over the news now."

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