Chapter 8

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The flock of birds were flying back to their nests amidst the reddish-purple hues of the sky. Chaitanya was admiring the faint glow of moon in the cloudy sky. Sitting in his porch, he had been reminiscing his encounters with the one he loved, strangely missing 'her' terribly. As a teenager, he had been madly into her but unfortunately they were not meant to be together!

In the backyard, Tapasya had hung the washed curtains and bedsheets on the clothesline. It was getting dark when she came back home so she rushed to pick up the clothes. She smiled looking at Chaitanya who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. Her backyard and his porch were in close proximity and line of sight.

Quite disappointed at not getting a response from Chaitanya, Tapasya switched the bulb on and began to pick the clothes. She tried to roll her peach colored bedsheet in her forearm when her eyes got stuck at a brown-colored thick rope wound around the bedsheet.

A loud scream escaped her mouth as her brain registered the peculiar entity. All the senses of Chaitanya startled upon hearing an ear-deafening scream. Dripping in sweat, she jumped two steps backward while Chaitanya rushed to her concerned.

"Sta.. stay away, there's a snake", she yelled, silently praying for the snake to leave without harming anyone of them. Chaitanya understood Tapasya's fear. He sighed. Being a field biologist, he was trained to handle such situations. Making no sound, he walked upto the clothesline and pick the half-a-meter long snake in his hand.

Tapasya jumped away in fear when Chaitanya told her, "Relax, it is non-poisonous". He threw the snake away and rushed back to his house to grab a bottle. Tapasya stood frozen. She was angry at Chaitanya to have left her in such a situation. She was frightened because she was standing on the same ground where snake was moving on, though in opposite direction.

Chaitanya came back quickly with a bottle and a stick in his hand. Tapasya was confused wondering what he was upto while Chaitanya managed to put the snake inside a the bottle with a stick. Tapasya was visibly relaxed when Chaitanya fastened the cap of bottle.

"It is non poisonous", he whispered, showing the snake trapped in the bottle. Tapasya was curiously looking at him with fear in her eyes.

"How do you know?", she asked stepping a step backward, still afraid of the snake.

"Look at the body, see, there is this broad scaly pattern and it doesn't even form the hood", Chaitanya explained diligently, pointing at the skin of the snake. For a moment, he had forgotten that he was not into a laboratory instructing his field assistants.

Trembling, Tapasya mumbled, "Ah! Keep it away", and Chaitanya sighed. The poor animal was helpless and harmless while the bold and independent woman before him was acting irrationally like a child.

"I will just throw it outside", he told her, and started to walk towards the main gate. Tapasya should have stayed back but some magnetic attraction pulled her towards Chaitanya as she followed him.

"Aren't you afraid?", she asked inquisitively and Chaitanya chuckled. This was nothing. His forest visits had made him meet the deadliest carnivores in person!

"Being a field biologist, I have encountered many such situations. I have grown immune." He told her, not wanting to brag himself. Being an introvert, he was never comfortable in expressing his thoughts.

"That's scary", she muttered.

"Don't scream when you encounter any snake next time", he instructed her, knowing very well that sensing the vibrations, animal can feel threatened and attack.

"I was frightened", she argued.

"You need not to be. No animal will harm you unless you pose as a threat to it." He explained her. Having been in the wild, he had got to know the friendliest traits of the deadliest animals. He wished, people to be more compassionate and empathetic towards animals.

"It was a threat to me. It had sneaked into my house, my habitat." Tapasya argued.

"You are practically living in its habitat." Chaitanya chuckled.

"We, humans are intruders who have captured the habitat of these harmless animals who cannot fight for their rights." Chaitanya grimaced.

"You can't even imagine the extent of degradation of natural habitat due to tourism and overpopulation in this small hilly town!" He spoke carefully, not wanting to trigger her since she had also migrated from a fast-paced city to Mussoorie, and established her business which was not completely eco-friendly.

"Maybe, you are right but it is our general tendency to be afraid of these wild animals." Tapasya mumbled, following him outside the estate. She did not completely agree with him as she had her inhibitions but she had no counter-remarks ready.

"Not maybe! I am actually right. I'm a conservation biologist, for God's sake." Chaitanya boasted himself and Tapasya chuckled, partly at his self-obsessed attitude and partly at his confidence.

Sitting at a safe distance near a cliff under the yellowish-orange gleam of the halogen light, Chaitanya opened the bottle, whispering, "Go little one!"

Tapasya who had been standing away from him, smiled looking at his gentleness and compassion. Something triggered her heart and her smile widened.

The snake traveled down the cliff near a tree and Chaitanya smiled.

"Thank you for protecting me", she whispered as they walked together back home.

Perhaps, it was the chilly weather or the serene silence, Tapasya felt drawn towards him. She craved to hold his hand and walk back to her paradise. She shunned her thoughts thinking perhaps, she was just grateful to him for protecting her. Somebody had looked out for her after such a long time and she was definitely overwhelmed.

"I'm still waiting for pistachio cookies, ma'am", Chaitanya chuckled, admiring the glow on her due to the silvery moonlight.

"Call me Tapasya", she requested, with her eyes casted down and a smile playing on her lips. Her smile sent a tingle down his spine and he was overwhelmed, too. After so long, a wonderful woman was treating him special and he felt great!

"Sure, Tapasya", Chaitanya rasped. Tapasya's breath hitched too. Her name from his mouth sounded music to her. Smiling they walked back to the estate relishing the serene silence, to their respective houses!


Hello everyone

Sorry for the delay. I have got Dengue so I have written this amidst fever. 😔

I hope this is a terrific encounter between Chaitanya and Tapasya 😅😉

Hoping to update the first week of October. 🌸

Don't forget to vote and comment on the story ⭐️

See you soon 💛

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