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" Come on get out from this place" Lynda said giving Emiliana a resounding slap which sends her back to her sit quietly. Laughter fill the room.

The relatives Whispers amongst themselves.

" Wow, it might be true , after all the girl looks exactly like Estella"

" Yeah , I totally believe"

" Me too "

" For all we know, Lynda might have hired her "

" Yes she might be an actress"

" Oh come on , Even an actress with an amazing make up would not look exactly like Estella"

" And it doesn't look as if she is wearing makeup"

" I have seen things like this in movies , she is probably wearing a face mask "

" You might be right"

" Oh come on ,this is not a movie, it's real life. I doubt if she is lying"

" Slience" the judge commanded and sighs obviously tired of this case , he couldn't be more happy that today was the last hearing. " The Evidence brought before the court, is a solid proof that Amarianna Martins is actually the daughter of Estella Martins. Thus the Heiress of MGC. She would take her place as the president of the corporation after her eighteenth birthday" stamps on the desks.

" Wait " Emiliana stands up. " Is that the final verdict, I don't accept it"

" Since you don't accept. Do you have any solid evidence to prove Amarianna as an imposter" the judge asks.

" No but it doesn't matter, you were going to hand over everything to me "
Emiliana said desperately. " Why did you stop" yells " tell me why did you stop !"


" Do you like the change of events" Matthew said walking to one of his friend, Florence.

" Actually don't even know how I feel right now" Florence said

" Why?" Matthew asked

" First why does Estella have to be so secretive with her life. Nobody knew she was pregnant talkless of having a child" Florence replied

" You and I know why. Estella was constantly surrounded by people who she couldn't trust " Matthew said.

" I know. But we were are best friends she could have at least told us" Florence said feeling hurt.

" Oh I knew of it " Matthew said looking anything but Florence" I was the one who arranged everything after all"

" And you didn't think to tell me."

" She made me promise her that wouldn't tell anyone okay"

" Who else knew about it"

" Slivia and Jeff "

" What?" Florence was pissed. " Those two knew and I didn't. " Looks up to the sky. " Wow Estella you definitely never trusted me"

Matthew changes the topic " speaking of Slivia and Jeff. Slivia is dead and Jeff is no where to be found"

Florence was out of words.

" What happened?"

" Well the heiress was under attack by some group of assinators on her way from the airport." Matthew sighs

" Damn" Florence looks at Matthew. " The heiress need more protection"

" Don't worry , I got that covered. Special agent white has his eyes on her " Matthew smirks .

" She needs more than one agent"

" Florence, my company produces the best bodyguards you can think of and special agent white is the best of the best" Matthew patts Florence's shoulders and walks away..

All eyes was on me, I did my very best to compose myself and look bold .
But within me I was sacred out of my mind, I have never come face to face with so many people in my entire life. But I have been taught what to do, what to say and how to act when I am faced such circumstances

I look above in order to divert from the gaze of crowd which was on me But what I saw shocked the hell out of me.............

" What.....the....hell" before I could blink it was gone. Was that person wearing white?


Hey guys am sorry that some of the other chapters had so many errrors, I will try my very best to reduce the errors when next I update and I hope you are enjoying the story.

Tell whose your favorite character so far
Mine: grandma Lynda

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Treprincle 💖💖💖

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