Our Official First Date

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Chapter 42: Out Official First Date.


*One Week Later*

"Are you excited Luna?" Jackie, a young omega asks.

I smile and nod while grabbing some seasonings from the cabinet.

"Ecstatic." I reply while sprinkling some salt into the soup and grabbing a spoon to taste it.

"The soup is amazing, tell your mother I said thank you and that the two of you did amazing. Now, I need to get ready for my date." I smile and Jackie nods while grabbing a spoon and bowl off the counter the slowly walking it the the table to wait for her mother.

"Have a good night Luna!" She smiles and I bolt up the stairs.

I brush my hair from my face as I stand in the doorway of Greyson and I's room.

After he woke up he insisted, no, demanded, that we share a room.

He said since we're mates and that he wants us to be closer than before, physically and mentally, he wants us to live together.

I walk in the closet and grab light wash blue skinny jeans and a long white Nirvana tank top.

Throwing on some cherry red stilettos I put on some mascara then fix my hair and I was done.

"Oh lord!" I say exasperated and throw myself back on the bed causing my curls to fan out on the bed.

I close my eyes taking in the relaxed feeling of my muscles when I feel someone hovering over me.

"You look beautiful." Greyson says leaning down and kissing me.

I smile as he pulls away looking into his eyes.

"And don't I know it." I wink and Greyson rolls his eyes while I laugh.

"Are you ready?" He ask grabbing my waist and helping me stand.

I nod as he grabs my hand in his while I grab my purse.

"Awww! Greyson's first date with his mate!" Sophe squeals and I laugh.

"Oh Valerie dear you look beautiful." Sophe's mom says and I smile.

"Thank you Lana." I say and she nods then makes her way to the living room.

Lana has been away on a country wide search with a couple hundred people.

The search was for Greyson's mother that went missing after Greyson gained his powers. Once he had mastered everything to a good point she left, and he's been searching ever since.

That was five years ago.

"Okay, I'm taking pictures. Let me get a camera. Oh wait, I have one right here." Sophe says innocently.

After Sophe took pictures she had practically the whole pack house take pictures much to Greyson's annoyance.

"Goodbye Alpha and Luna!" All the teenagers and young adults chorused.

"Bye!" I call with a smile waving and Greyson waves as well then softly pulls me along the path.

After waving Greyson's smile drops and he huffs.

"They're going to throw a party." He mumbles and I cock my head to the side.

"How do you know?" I ask confused.

Weren't they just saying goodbye?

May snorts in my head and I roll my eyes.

"They're too chirpy and nice. They have that look as well." Greyson says as he opens the car door and hoists me into his truck.

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