Renzo: I think A bouquet of flowers would be awesome

Kenji: it wouldn't work anyway

Renzo: Hey how do you know it won't!

Kenji: do you know Izumo

Rin: plus you can't eat flowers

Rin,Renzo and shiemi all begin arguing


Shima your in charge the present figure out what she wants and get it by Sunday
Rin your on cake detail not buying it baking it
Konekomaru your in charge of shopping and rin
That leaves me and moriyama to decorate the room

Kenji: uhh what about me

Bon: well your in charge of keeping her out of the way so you need to spend as much time with her as possible while we are doing this

Kenji: Yes sir!

Renzo: wait why can't I do that

Bon: it's simple Kenji's the only one she can actually tolerate for so long

Kenji: Ha!

Later Kenji is chilling out in regular sitting next to Izumo when he sees Shima in the doorway

Kenjj: uh hey Izumo I was wondering is there anything you need help with in cram school

Izumo: oh you want to tutor me?

Kenji: yeah sure you've got some insane potential plus we both want to become tamers so we may as well stick together

Izumo: huh I guess your right sure! Sounds good we'll meet in the library later this week

Kenji: sounds perfect

He then sees Renzo leave with Paku and he notices Izumo watches

Izumo: Huh what's going on with them

Kenji: you wanna spy on them

Izumo smirks slightly: yeah

Luckily Kenji managed to delay them enough that she only heard Renzo complimenting Paku

They then in the in library later

Kenjj hears rin and Konekomaru reading a recipe for a cake

Kenji: Oh look this way it's what you need right!

Izumo: huh oh yeah

Izumo looks confused by shakes it off

Later they are walking back to the classroom

Kenji: and yeah that's how to best summon demons

You see I keep Kowaru's paper in this black glove here and the fabric is already laced with my blood so all I need to do is chant and it summons him

Izumo: wow that's pretty cool actually

Kenji: hehehe thanks

Kenji then gets a message from Bon

We are doing crafts stall her

Kenji: (great!) Hey Izumo didn't you say earlier you where meeting Paku at a cafe of some king

Izumo: oh yeah I guess we lost track of time that's for reminding me same time tomorrow

Kenji: sounds good

Izumo runs off

Kenji: phew luckily she's going back to her dorm after this so I don't need to worry

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