Chapter 52: The Second Day P1

Start from the beginning

This cause all eyes in the room to turn to her.

"You know that technique is cheap right?" Neos said as Mana scratched the back of her head giving them a light chuckle.

"What techniques?" Erza said feeling left out from the sibling conversation.

"It's one of Mana's original techniques that she didn't learn from me." Neos said.

Wakaba gives a light chuckle before saying. "What kind of technique is Rock, Scissors 'N' Paper?" before bursting out laughing. "That is a child game more than an actual technique."

"Oh? Would you like to test it out?" Mana said with a smile wanting to show them her techniques.

She said getting into a stand with both hands raised, Wakaba not wanting to seem like a coward for backing out, took a glance at Neos seeing him was okay with it. This gives Wakaba the confidence to face Mana.

"Get ready." Mana said bouncing up and down. "Rock!" Mana throws a jab at Wakaba's stomach making the older man bend down to block, still smiling he looks up at Mana ready to taunt her. "Scissors!" She jabs both fingers into Wakaba's eyes making him back off with a scream. "Paper!" With that Wakaba was slapped across the face as he fell tumbling back and crashing into a table.

Macao burst out in laughter seeing his friend get beaten by the youngest dragon slayer with childish but effective techniques.

"Told ya." Neos said seeing Wakaba getting up and holding his face.

"Wow! Can you teach me, Auntie?" Usagi said seeing Mana's funny techniques.

Immediately after hearing those words, the First Master of Fairy Tail's ears peak up before turning to the usual little girl who isn't a part of her girl. "Auntie? Wait? Did that girl just call my daughter Auntie? This means..." Mavis slowly turned to the elemental mage, while Makarov began to freak out seeing Mavis's tearry eyes.

"First Master!?" Makarov said somewhat panicked.

Suddenly she jumped toward Neos. "You have a daughter!?" The elemental mage just moved aside avoiding her as Mavis crashed into the wall much to the other Fairy Tail Mage's shock.

"You are not learning that until you are 10." Neos said to Usagi ignoring Mavis's attempt to hug him.

Mavis got up and turned to her son seeing the second ring on his ring finger, she realized she missed out on his wedding.

"Y-Y-You... get married... without inviting me!?" Mavis said before bursting out in tears freaking everyone else in the Fairy Tail guild.

"Neos! Apologize the first master at once!" Makarov turns to yell at Neos but there are only the silhouettes of the elemental mage with his daughter and sisters where they once stood. "He's gone!?"

"Along with Mana and Usagi too?"

"Quick Erza call-" Makarov turned only to also see the silhouette of the red haired warrior where she once stood.

Next Morning, the Grand Magic Games

A new day, and everyone was back in the arena ready for the second day of the games. "Okay! It's the eagerly-anticipated Day 2 of the Grand Magic Games! Our guest for Day 2 is Mr. Jason, Sorcerer Weekly's renowned reporter!" The announcer said as Jason replaced Jenny among the judges for Day 2.


"Today's contest segment is already underway! This event is known as, Chariots!" The announcer declared as throughout the city outside of the arena was a long line of chariots. "The aim of this game is to reach the goal without falling off of the linked chariots. But, as the chariots will be constantly moving, a single movement of carelessness can prove disastrous. Which team will visit Crocus' famed sightseeing spots and arrive here at Domus Flau first?!" The announcer said as the goal was in the arena. "We'll be televising the race via lacrima-tron for our viewers in the stands!

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