Chapter 9

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Reader's P.O.V.

¨You never meant to fall in love... Well you did! You also tried to kill me! You caused me more pain than what my father did! For what goal did you think you would reach by killing me if I wasn't a witch?!¨ He stood up and looked at me, ¨You weren't going to get hurt... Sebastian is a dem...¨ I got a little angrier ¨I already realize he is your demon butler! As soon as I found my powers I saw his true form, he didn't have to show me! Witch eyes show you the truth in people... And how they feel, they're just like truth detectors...¨ Ciel stood strong and refused to smile, he only sniffled. ¨So how am I feeling then? What am I thinking then?¨ I closed my eyes and a tear rolled down my cheek. ¨You are feeling sorry... You're imagining...¨ My voice is growing shakey, I'm starting to cry from the sight of his thought, ¨You're ki...¨ I feel a sharp pain in my left shoulder, then in my gut. It caused me to open my eyes and gasp for air. Before I fell to my back I saw Sebastian standing behind Ciel, his hand on Ciel shoulder to stop him from running to me. I heard Ciel slap him then come running to my side. I looked into his eyes while I gasped for air, he set his hand gently on my cheek as a single tear rolled down my cheek. He wiped it away, ¨(y/n)! You are going to be ok! You can heal from this, use your magic to save yourself! Please!¨ I shook my head, I put my hand on the hand holding my face. ¨Witches can't heal themselves when they have wounds that deep. They need energy and she clearly doesn't have any.¨ Sebastian said in a devilish voice. The last thing I heard was Ciel, ¨I command you, under our contract to save (y/n)!¨ As my eyes slowly closed and everything became bright, Ciel cried over me. His salty tears hitting my face.

~Time skip a few days later, in the morning~

Third Person P.O.V.

As you began to come to, you hear people shuffling around you. Everything is bright, you can some what make out shapes and figures but nothing more. You hear voices you remember. You blink a few times to see someone you missed deeply.

Reader's P.O.V.

¨C.. Cie... Ciel?!¨ I felt arms around me, then I heard a male start sniffling. My eye sight started to get better as I saw that Ciel was hugging me. I was in the room he had given me when I first met him. ¨How am I not dead?¨ He got up and looked me in the eyes. ¨It's hard to explain...¨ I looked at the bed. ¨I'm so happy I'm alive though. What you said in the woods, was it true?" I bit my bottom lip then looked up to Ciel. ¨(y/n)... Every last word. What I was imagining, is what I wanted to do since I invited you to the garden.¨ Ciel came closer to my face when Sebastian walked in. ¨Lady (y/n) I see you are finally awake! We have things to talk about, as soon as you feel you are ready.¨ He looked over at Mey Rin, Finny, and Bard who were all looking at Ciel who was about to kiss me. They looked at me and started singing K-I-S-S-I-N-G as Sebastian walked out of the room. I sat up and looked into Ciel's eyes and laughed.

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