1 The New Boy

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You where walking to school with you're best friend and you where listening to music the song was S/N and you felt pretty happy.

Then suddenly you felt someone pull out you're ear bud and screamed"Y/N listen....to....me...theres a new student i hear and hes super cute with purple hair and nerdy glasses!" said Y/F/N as you gt near to the school.

"Sounds like a emo jerk to me" you said entering the school.

"Dont judge so quickly okay he might be nice" said Y/F/N play fully shoving you.

You and your friend walked down the hall to your lockers right next to each other.

When you turned to go to class while trying to do the stupid thing and put your phone away at the same time and you smashed into someone and you waited to fall on you ass but you where caught by some guy with purple hair.

"Oh fuck im sorry i wasnt looking" you said getting uo

"Its fine...this time...pay attention next time idoit" he said pulling her up and leaving.

"Woah what the fuck is that jerks problem" you thought to your self

"Did he have a teddy bear in his arms???" asked you friends taking a picture of him.

"Thats inpossable he caught me with both hands and i felt no teddy bear" you said shoving your phone into your bag.

"Fuck where late to class" said Y/F/N.

You both dashed to class to only make it once the bell stopped.

And then you noticed he was in your class right next to you.

You had a mini mental break down before walking over and sat in your seat.

You sat down and put you stuff out.

"So your my next door seat pal?" he said looking at the bourd.

"Yeah i guess" you snapped back.

After a bit class started you got a text and you looked at it was you boy friend so you did a side phone hoping you wouldnt get caught and you saw Kanato looking at the bourd and you saw your chance.

"Hey baby i know i havnt texted in a bit but i really love you and i need to see you again"

You where about to text then suddenly someone snatched your phone.

You looked up and it was Kanato.

"Give me back my phone ass hole"you hissed

"You cant text during class" he wisperd back

"I can call the police this counts as stealing and my dads a cop" you snapped back

"With what phone" he said like a smart ass

"Smart ass" you said hopeing to get yiu phone by kicking him but he only smiled

"Tell you what you can earn your phone back" he wispered

"How so" you said hoping to get it back

"Meet me after 3 period before lunch under the bleachers" he said

"You shall earn your phone back with a kiss" he said outting the phone into his phone

"What no way!! Ill just tell the school" you snapped back pissed

"And who will the take side the girl trying to get her phone back from the guy who took it because she was using it durning class" he said again making a point

Ring Ring

The bell rang and you guys got up and packed going to your next class

"Till then Y/N i have your phone"he wispered into your ear.

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