If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 17 [I Alone]

Start from the beginning

“If you do that so help me I swear I'll put that Susan Boyle CD w-“

His eyes sparked in alarm as I fumed “Okay. I got it. Seriously.” He said sitting it aside.

I ignored him grabbing a dress from my closet that was full of ruffles and flowers until I shredded it with ease. I had always kept them thinking of giving them to others like Jackie or Brooke or donating but right now they were my boxing bag.

“Deep breaths.” He cooed to afraid to step close when he was a werewolf!

“And you are here because?!” I asked looking at him sharply like a rabid beast.

“Because your father called for assistance.” He said calmly.

I kicked at the dress screaming and he winced. I tumbled on the dress caught around my ankles and beyond drained I sank to the floor my knees buckling as I cried, sobbing into my hands.

“Hey. Shit, oh Tanz it’s okay. Come here.” Will cooed wrapping me up in his arms as he held me to him on the floor. I buried my face in his chest as I cried softly. I should be used to this I thought, used to her. “It’s okay darlin’, it’s okay. We’ll rub it in her face when you open up your own mechanic shop.”

I laughed shakily at that “I don’t want to be a mechanic.” I croaked into his neck.

“Oh really?” he asked pointedly. I didn’t reply. “Because I'm pretty sure there’s a pair of overalls and tub of grease with your name on it.”He said brushing my hair soothingly.

A groan suddenly filled the silence.

“What?” I murmured.

“That’s so sexy.” He growled his mind concocting ridiculous scenarios. It still made me giggle. Pulling back I looked up at him, he watched me brushing the hair from my eyes “I love you.” He whispered his touch and the utter conviction in his tone making me tremble. I leant into his touch. “Now make sure you do study, don’t stop just to piss her off.” He said sternly. It was as if he could read my minds at time.

I smiled weakly “Do I have to study though?” I whined.

He sighed “No, if you don’t want to.” He caved to my puppy dog face with a groan.

I smiled “You’re the best werewolf ever!” I cried throwing my arms around him as he chuckled holding me tighter.

“So I'm going to choose a movie?” he asked pulling us both up off the floor. “And getting tea?” he clarified kissing the top of my head before leaving my room to go get a movie at the movie shop, to get pizza and most likely to tell dad the beast had been tamed.

Walking around my room about twenty minutes later after a shower I searched for a hair tie through my mess, one hand holding my hair on top of my head.

“Oh darlin’.” He murmured pulling me against him by the door my hunt forgotten as my hair spilled down.

“What?” I asked slightly breathless.

Will’s hands sat on my hips, low. “I don’t know if I can handle you in this.” He rumbled as his hands tugged on my shorts, short boy shorts that were rather like tights. My breath escaped my lips rather raggedly. A hand reached up and pushed my hair aside as his lips sucked across my skin, my camisole top covering little and tight. What? It’s my sleep wear. I moaned my head falling back onto his shoulder. His grip tightened on my hops as he drew circles on my hips. His nose drew along my collarbone “You smell like roses.” He groaned his lips making me weak in the knees. My whole body throbbed eager for more contact, his fingers ran up the length of my throat and I shivered dangerously against him. Will groaned again. “You’re going to kill me darlin’.” He said pulling away.

His actions odd to me until dad knocked on my door “Pizza guys!” both of us knowing his pizza message was really; ‘open the damn door and leave my daughter’s innocence alone!’ My dad loved Will, it was just being a single father and experience his first and only daughter dating and…becoming quite intimate was hard. Yet it was never as intimate as I desire.

I took Will’s hand and led him into the lounge room where our pizza sat. Dad sat in the kitchen his banking book out with a calculator and receipts scattering the table with a plate of pizza and a beer. It was banking time, what he always avoids. I smiled at him as I watched him read a receipt squinting.

Will pulled me down beside him on the couch “Come here you.” He said pulling me into his side. I giggled snuggling deeper as Will passed me a slice of pizza, our movie for tonight Salt a new movie with Angelina Jollie.

“I’ve been researching some more.” Will murmured as the movie progressed kissing the top of my head.

“Yeah? Wh- Oh what the hell? I don’t get this!” I cried the movie toying with my mind. Will chuckled running his hands down the side of my face, one reason as to why I was lost; he was distracting me. “Sorry, so some more?” I asked softly, cautious of dad though he wouldn’t hear over the movie and he was in another room.

“Yeah, The Council wants more info I guess so I'm going back into our world’s history, past.”

The Council had already paid us a visit so Will could prove the soul mate life was back and real. They hadn’t been as scary as I thought yet still slightly intimidating, okay really. I had been a nervous wreck but with one look at Will and I together they didn’t need any more evidence. The weirdest part was how they looked at me in awe, as if the human was fascinating, they almost kissed my toes.Will since and even before has been researching to find stuff out about soul mates to find our capabilities as The Council refines their laws of such things as human involvement in their world.

“So you’ll be busy studying too eh?” I teased elbowing him playfully.

He chuckled “Something like that.” He murmured kissing the corner of my lips. “I'll be busy though so don’t be surprised if you see less of me.” He said sadly.

“Mmmmmm, I guess we’ll both be busy with stuff. You know, with me and my final exams and all.” I said masking my disappointment.

He saw right through it. “I know darlin’, I know.” I snuggled deeper into him and he held me closer “I love you.” He whispered against my scalp.

“I love you too.”

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If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - A Werewolf NovelWhere stories live. Discover now