Chapter 2

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"Holy shit." Y/n whispered when she saw the sight in front of her. The room was entirely covered in sacred talisman commonly used in exercising powerful curses.

However there was no curse, only a man who knelt inside a dimly lit stone shed, bound by metal shackles. His disheveled, black hair fell haphazardly over his face, obscuring his features. Short chains tightly gripped his feet, preventing him from moving from his kneeling position, while his wrists were similarly ensnared, leaving him with minimal room to maneuver. His clothes were nothing more than tattered remnants of what they used to be.

The worst part was there was a small string hanging from the ceiling that held a key that was just out of reach. Y/n couldn't help but feel disgusted at the cruel game being played with this man's hope for release.

"I've never seen you before." He groaned weakly, picking his head up to look at her. His black hair moved to reveal his features. Purple eyes peered behind the locks of hair as he examined this unknown person in front of him. Never before had he seen a person look at him with the expression y/n had. Horror was written on her face, not the usual rage and disgust. It confused him, the Kamo family was never kind to him so why was she looking at him differently than his previous guests?

"Are you okay?" Y/n asked, finally getting her voice to work. The man wanted to laugh at her words but he didn't have the strength to do so anymore.

"You tell me." He said sarcastically. Y/n stared at the key and decided she was going to do something idiotic, her mind had been made up. She snatched the key off the worn out sting before lowering herself to his level. This was an incredibly ridiculous idea but there was no turning back now.

"Don't do anything stupid." Y/n warned him quietly as she got on her knees and played with the chains.

"What the hell are you doing?" The man flinched away from her approaching hands.

"Helping you. Hold still." She said sternly, completely ignoring the reasons why this man might have been locked up in the first place.

"Why would you do that?" She didn't answer right away because she didn't actually know the reason. Something about this just told her that him being locked up was wrong.

"Stop asking questions and be grateful." Y/n was able to unlock the man's legs before moving to his hands. As she went to put the key into the lock she realized that the key wasn't going to work. It was too big compared to the second pair of locks and y/n sighed in frustration.

"The key only worked for the shackles on your feet. I'm sorry." Once the man realized his legs were free, he adjusted his sitting position to take the weight off of his knees. He moaned at the sudden relief that came to his legs, they were brown and black from the constant kneeling on the floor. Y/n took note of his injuries as she backed away from him.

"Of course you bastards wouldn't actually give me freedom, just the thought of it." Y/n raised an eyebrow at his statement and was a bit insulted that he thought she was the one that did this to him.

"Me? I haven't done anything to you, except help you." She snapped at him.

"You're not with the Kamo clan?" He asked, slightly surprised.

"What? No, I'm not." She told him. He wanted to answer her back but instead started coughing.

"Do you need water?" Y/n asked, realizing that he probably hasn't had and food or water in a place like this.

"Do I want water?" He asked in an 'are you serious?' tone.

"Yes." She confirmed.

He didn't answer but y/n's hand already placed her hand on the ground. Before closing her eyes to focus on using her Jujutsu technique. Droplets of water came rushing under the door and into her other hand. Once she had enough she whispered something into the water and held her hand up to his lips.

"Here." She offered the liquid to him.

"That's disgusting." He said plainly.

"What? It's been purified." Y/n said as if it made sense. Choso stared at her with a questioning look before rolling his eyes and drinking the contents in her hand.

"See it didn't kill you." She laughed seeing his relief that the water wasn't poisoned.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" He asked.


"Y/n!" She could hear Gojo calling her in the distance. Y/n realized she had been in this shed for a long time. Everyone was most likely wondering where she ran off to and she definitely wasn't supposed to be here.

"Shit. I've got to go." She said as she started to get up.

"Wait." He tried to reach out but he forgot he was still chained and jumped back at the restrains.

"I'll come back, I promise." She told him before running out of the shed.

"Where have you been?" Gojo asked once his sister appeared by his side, seemingly out of thin air.

"Exploring." She answered simply with a smile. Her face told Gojo all he needed to know.

"Being nosy." Gojo corrected and she nodded with a grin. "Come, they have dinner ready for us."

The Gojo siblings had a private dinner in their guest house and all y/n could think about was that man in the shed. She felt so bad for him and wanted to help him in some way. Once Gojo turned in for the night and everyone at the Kamo estate was asleep she made her way back to the shed.

She opened the door, it creaked louding and Choso picked his head up, shocked to see the familiar face.

"I told you I'd come back." She told him.

"I'm surprised you're here."

"I keep my word." Y/n said sternly. She walked over to him and sat down. His eyes lit up when she passed him a container of food and a bottle of water.

"So, what's your name?" Y/n asked as he began shoving food into his mouth. Trying to make conversation with a man you found in a shed can be crossed off her bucket list.

"Choso." He answered in between bites.

"I'm y/n Gojo."

"So you're a Gojo?" Choso said, examining her. He had heard about the Gojo Clan and their Godlike powers. They were famous in the Jujutsu world. They were untouchable, never mention to accouter someone lowly like him. However seeing y/n made him question if divine intervention was real if an angel like her was trying to save him.

"I am." She conformed.

"I've never heard of a Gojo with water manipulation technique." He said with a raised eyebrow. Y/n winced at the abrasive statement. No one would guess she was a Gojo unless she said something.

"I took a lot of traits and abilities from my mom."

"Speaking of your knees are really bad, do you mind if I?"

"Mind if you what?" Choso questioned as y/n continued to be vague with her words. What was she going to do to him and why would she ask permission??

"It's just easier if I show you." Y/n placed her hands on the floor, palms flat and began whispering something Choso couldn't quite make out. Water from the outside came rushing to her hands.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, concerned.

"Shhh I'm trying to focus." Once she had enough water she picked up her hands and flipped her palms up. Wiggling her fingers in a flowy motion the water started to dance. This continued before the water started to sparkle slightly and y/n moved the water to hover on Choso's injured knees. Quickly the water began to heal the bruises, leaving no sign of abuse to them in the first place.When y/n was done she dropped the water to the ground and looked back up at Choso.

"Your technique." He whispered in awe.

"It's just water manipulation, nothing impressive."

"You're a jujutsu sorcerer that's impressive enough." He said.

"I appreciate your sentiment."

The pair continued to talk until the moon began to set. Y/n had to leave before anyone awoke so she could keep her little secret. Choso understood but was happy when y/n once again promised she would return.

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