Chapter 4

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"Can you hurry up" Duncan fumed. Looking at his watch.

"I told you not to drink too much last night" Quinton yelled and Kevin continued walking with his time as they got on their private jet.

"Can you guys just shut up I have a hangover" Kevin said squeezing his head.

"That's what you get for being an alcoholic" Duncan noted before typing away on his laptop same as Quinton.

"So Quin aren't we gonna meet sister in-law this week as well I mean how long do you plan on hiding her" Kevin said pressing ice on his head.

"Shut up" Quinton rolled his eyes before going back to work.

"Are you blushing" Kevin insisted successfully getting his brother mad. The brothers never talked about their relationships to each other.

None of them didn't stay in a relationship for too long.

14 hours later

"The house isn't going to be the same without her is it" Kevin said puting his hands in his pockets.

"I miss her" Quinton sighed. Duncan said nothing as they walked in the maids and the stuff scrambled about preparing the house for the. 

The boys had sad expression on their faces except Duncan. Duncan lived in prison for years and did not know his grandparents as well as Quinton and Kevin did.

Thus he wasn't really affected by the death of his grandma.

"Sir the are a few man in the living area waiting for you including your grandfather" maid whispered seductively to Duncan.

"Alright I will be right there" Duncan said already making his way towards the living room.

"What about us are we not included in decision making anymore" Quinton asked in disbelief.
"You cannot shut us out of your problems Duncan" he proceeded.

"I am still your boss and your older brother I say what's to be done I call the shots" Duncan yelled. Walking without looking back.

"Yep that's my queue I shall get to work than" Kevin said gesturing Quinton to follow him.

"Can you really hack the security cameras in there" Quinton asked again looking back and forth.

"Relax bro let me do my thing I'm not the world's greatest software guy for nothing" Kevin said winking at his brother.

"Hurry up man they were in there briefly" Quinton said out of breath.

"This is why we always got caught whenever we did something we were not suppose to, your palms are sweaty and your forehead as well you look like you just stolen a billionaire bucks man relax you can't do anything right can you" Kevin scoffed.

"Look whose talking Mr always in trouble, you have a couple of trophies in the trouble making category so shut up" Quinton said patrolling the door.

"Have some water you look like you're about to pass out" Kevin teased.

"Damn it Kev hurry up it's been 5 minutes" Quinton yelled.

"Done" Kevin said just as Duncan walked in Quintons room.
"She's not pregnant bro it's negative" Kevin continued as soon as he saw Duncan.

"She really gave me a scare" Quinton said wiping his forehead.

"Use protection next time you look like you were about to pass out" Duncan said before gesturing for them to follow him.

Later that day

"They brought the merchandise" sir one of their workers informed as they were having dinner.

"Okay get ready and sent it back to England we will be here for a while perhaps four to six weeks" Duncan said and the men nodded his head and left.

"So who was the girl" Duncan asked.

"What girl" Quinton said.

"The pregnant one" he said looking at his brothers.

"His talking about the little blonde"Kevin lied looking at Quinton.

"Oh yeah she confirmed that I there is no baby just plans" Quinton said awkwardly.

"You're so weird" Duncan commented.

"Boss we've got a problem at the gates" one of the guards said looking desperate.

"What should I do about it if you can't take care of it"Duncan said getting up.

"What's the problem" Quinton asked heading to one the living rooms.

"There is a girl" the guard said and everyone stopped doing what they were doing.

"Does she have any identification"Duncan asked walking over to the guard.

"Yes sir she said her name is Sescie Chanlor and that you know her" at that moment Duncan burst out laughing.

"Did she really come here" Quinton asked.

"I didn't think she was that brave...wait maybe her mother asked her to come or maybe something happened to the woman" Kevin said looking at his brothers.

"Do not jump to conclusions" Duncan warned.

"Sir should I allow them in" the guard asked.

"Them" Quinton and Kevin said in unison.

"Something is not right here why would she bring her siblings here" Kevin said in thought.

"I'll handle this" Duncan growled.

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