Fuck I was excited no I was thrilled.

I can't believe she came it's been my dream to have her here and I won't fuck it up by giving her an experience of her first time.

I was outside by the lockers and I was just staring at her taking in her beauty. Fuck she was beautiful.

Everything about her was mesmerizing, the way she talks and the way she walks god I could write a book about how mesmerizing she is.

I could admire her for days.

"They here Seb don't worry we'll give them an experience they'll enjoy it" I don't care about her friends I care more about her then them. I'm not saying I don't like her friends they cool great people in my opinion but I just want Aria to have fun that's all I want. She's too busy being perfect to focus on the now that's happening she needs to have fun a bit.

"Sebastian we on in four" Levi shouted while putting on he's skates.
I grabbed my stick and helmet and headed for the entrance.

(Author- guys I don't know much about hockey so bear with me if I don't know what I'm talking about ok😭)

Let's give her a show shall we

While me and the girls were talking the announcer started talking and we knew the game was about to begin

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While me and the girls were talking the announcer started talking and we knew the game was about to begin.

Everything was happening so fast on the one side the other team entered the rink and they were fast on their feet, how do they not fall? I wonder.

We were too busy paying attention the other team we didn't even realise half of our hockey boys were on the ice already. They started calling out names and there I heard it.

Sebastian Madden

He was quick on he's feet and glided smoothly on the ice. He was in the centre with the puck in the middle and in front of him was a player from the opposite team.

The game officially begun and all we saw were just boys skating across the rink with their sticks trying to hit the puck into a goalpost, it was very intense and me and the girls were intrigued.

Grayson got hit and fell to the ground but he got up pretty quickly and played like he never got hurt. The boys were fast, Seb wasn't lying when he said they were good. Sebastian scored 5 points and Lloyd 2 the game was almost over but me and the girls didn't want it over.

"C'mon boys you can do it" the girls started shouting and cheering for the boys so did I. They have too win I know they will anyways but you get my point.

Not long then 3 seconds and Eric scored a goal and the game was over. Me and the girls jumped up and started shouting for the boys god we were proud as hell.

The boys took their helmets off and started celebrating they were proud of them selves we were too.

The boys came closer to the edge and called out our names. "Now what do you think about that huh you have too be honest this is way better than a football game" Sebastian shouted while smiling at me and fuck was he right this was better than a football game. It was more intense and thrilling I'd definitely see myself coming back.

GAME CHANGER || book 1Where stories live. Discover now