XII. what about the kid?

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"Does she have any family?" Stark asked. She heard him in the corridor. "How old is she?"

"Fourteen, I think" Steve answered "Natasha didn't have any family and Bucky..." he didn't have to finish, it was obvious that Barnes didn't have anyone aside from the two of them. Even with Yelena and Melina, in the back of her mind, the only other family Natasha had, Katya knew she was alone. Orphaned, and surrounded by strangers.

Two days have passed since Carol brought Tony back to Earth. The compound was quiet and almost completely empty. Captain America, or rather Steve, as he said she should call him, like if she didn't before, informed Katya that everyone is leaving to find Thanos, to try and undo what he did. She didn't react. She didn't make a sound, didn't nod, didn't do anything to let him know she heard him. She also didn't say anything about the fact that she already knew how this was going to end. Her visions were back already, with no more injections from Shuri there was nothing to stop them. They were going there for nothing. But she suspected they wouldn't believe her, even if some of them got proof of her abilities few years back.

So Katya just laid in bed, in a room someone let her into when they got back from Wakanda. Ever since then, it was her room, which was total bullshit for her. Her room was in Wakanda or at the Barton's. Not this generic, plain room, identical to many others in the building. This wasn't her room. But she didn't have anywhere else to go.

She didn't want to stay in Wakanda alone, she already knew how many now painful memories would it bring, and she doubted they would let her, led by something close to a sense of debt to Natasha and James. So after she calmed down enough to communicate, she didn't protest when someone led her away, as they all traveled to the city to discuss what had happened, asses the losses and decided the next moves. Katya didn't take part it this, in the meantime someone took care of her damaged hand. The next day one of the Dora Milaje, accompanied her back to the house where she could check on her cats, only to find out that were gone too, and pack some necessary things, after it was decided that Avengers will be leaving soon and taking her along.

Funny, how she fought in a battle against aliens, even spat at Thanos himself, but didn't find it in herself to even glance at her parents belongings. The book left at the side table by Papa and Mama's unfinished cup of tea, was enough to bring her to tears once again. So she left the house with her school backpack, stuffed with some clothes and most important things. Okoye led her back to the quinjet, that was ready to take everyone back to the States. But there also wasn't anything or anyone waiting for Katya.

For the past three weeks, all she felt wasn't sadness or grief, she suspected that would come later. It was anger, so strong she felt numb most of the time. Anger at the universe, for anything or anyone that made her survive whatever Thanos did. She didn't want to be anywhere. Katya wanted to be gone. She wanted to disappear, just like her parents did.

Everyone gathered in the compound, barely saw her. She didn't leave her room, even for the bathroom as there was one connected to her room. They didn't need her anyway, she was a kid in their eyes, what could she do? And she didn't want to listen to their pity, all the condolences they would offer only because of her age. They gave up quickly in trying to get her to come down to eat and soon they were taking turns in bringing her food to her room. Katya ignored most of them, afraid the moment she opens her mouth, she would snap or start crying again.

The only one that got her attention so far, was Rocket. He brought her dinner the day before, the sound of his steps much different than human ones.

"I don't know how can you eat that." he said, placing the tray on the small desk.

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