Lyonel smiles sheepishly at Daemon, "Thank you, My Prince."

"Daemon, Rhaenyra," Viserys greeted them. "Lyonel and I were just talking about who should fill the Master of Law position."

"Who are the candidates?" Rhaenyra asked immediately.

"Jasper Wylde–"

Rhaenyra immediately scowled in disgust, "The one that sired twenty-nine children on four wives?!"

"Yes, the very same person, Princess," answered Lyonel. "People called him Ironrod derived from his unbending attitudes to matters of law which is a great quality for a Master of Law."

"Rather than his attitude toward laws, I'm more convinced that the one from him that was truly unbending was his cock." Daemon snorted.

"Uncle!" Rhaenyra smacked Daemon's arm for his vulgar comment.

"Sorry, Nyra, can't help it." Daemon chuckled.

Viserys shook his head.

Rhaenyra rolled her eyes, "Who were the other candidates?"

"Alan Caswell, Gormon Massey, and lastly Desmond Manderly."

Rhaenyra hummed, "I think Desmond Manderly would be a good choice, he would be representative of the North in the council and may mend the strained relationship between the crown and the Manderly."

"That's a great suggestion, Rhaenyra," Viserys beamed, "Our Relationship with Manderly was indeed a bit awkward after Vissera suddenly passed, and the old King seems forgotten his promise to tie the two houses together."

Daemon waved a piece of bacon toward Viserys, "But don't forget the Northmen dislike going south, he may not accept the offer, better keep options open."

"Prince Daemon is correct, I purposedly put Manderly's name on the last because he would unlikely accept the offer," Lyonel emphasized.

Viserys huffed, "If Manderly didn't accept, then we offered the position to Wylde, are you okay with that, Rhaenyra?"

"Eh?" Rhaenyra looks surprised.

"Soon or later, this council will become yours, child; you need to be comfortable with all the members," Viserys explained.

Rhaenyra's eyes grew wide in disbelief upon Viserys' statement.

Because Rhaenyra looked too stunned to answer, Daemon decided to take over, "I believe Rhaenyra was fine with the decision, aren't you, Princess?" He asks while holding Rhaenyra's hand.

Rhaenyra nodded mindlessly, still too stunned to talk.

Viserys smiled, "Great, you can proceed then, Lyonel."

"At once, your grace," Lyonel said, then curtly bowed to Rhaenyra and Daemon before leaving the room, something that Otto never did to them.

"Shall we have dinner now?" Viserys asked. "Daemon, stop stuffing your mouth with bacon; you will be full before the entree is served."

"M' starve; you guys are talking too much," Daemon chuckled before nibbling another piece of bacon.

Viserys rolled his eyes, "Jon! Serve The dinner," He said.

"I think it's time for Rhaenyra to have lady-in-waiting again," Daemon said upon their dinner.

Both Rhaenyra and Viserys froze.

"Uncle... I don't think..." Rhaenyra looks clearly uncomfortable.

Daemon knew why she was like that, all thanks to Otto's Cunt daughter. Yet Daemon needs to keep pressing this matter because Rhaenyra really NEEDS to have someone help her with her duty as soon as possible since Viserys seems going to entrust Rhaenyra with more duty from now on.

"You have to expand your household, princess," Daemon emphasizes, "You can't keep doing everything on your own; someone needs to help you. At least you need to employ four ladies, one who will become head of your ladies, one in charge of social matters, one in charge of your meals and health, and lastly, one to manage your household budget."

"I understand, Uncle..just..."

"You need them to help you with your work, not play with you; you don't have to be attached nor emotionally invested in them; keep your distance and keep everything strictly business."

Rhaenyra and Viserys are shocked by Daemon's statement; they know exactly who Daemon's sarcasm is directed to.

Daemon sighs, "How about starting with promoting that Massey girl? I remember you said that her house was in a difficult financial situation. Being your handmaiden would be a great help to her family."

Rhaenyra still looks reluctant, "I guess... I can try..."

Daemon fondly strokes Rhaenyra's head, "If you don't like it we can always disband your household then figure out something else."

Rhaenyra finally smiled.

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