Chapter 46: Jane's Log Pt.3

Start from the beginning


(Month 24)


It's been two years since I left home and I could say that I was living the life that I wanted. I left thinking that I would be with Delia but ended up with Lily instead. I thought that I could be a mom but I found a really great mother for my baby. I met and lost my dad in a few weeks but the money he left for me was what was helping me right now. After all the lawyer fees and such, I was able to purchase a small apartment and also put aside money in a trust fund for my son. I knew his new parents were rich but I thought that I could do at least something for him as my dad did for me. It was the right thing for me to do for him.


Things were going well. The initial movie that Lily and I were going to act in, changed during production. She explained to me that this was normal especially when producers and writers would 'fall out'. The producer thought that the general public weren't ready to see two women being so intimate with each other. He only wanted the kissing scene but the writers disagreed and eventually left the project. When that happened, they decided to just change my character from being Lily's lover to her distant cousin. I was okay with it because even though we weren't going to be lovers on screen, we were lovers behind the scene.


Things were going well until the movie was released. Up to that point, I hadn't had any communication with Delia. She left me and blocked me from every electronic account she had but when the trailer for the movie came out, I got a message from her. It wasn't nice at all.


'Oh wow... Look at you, eh. You're a big-time superstar now. You come here, play on my emotions, I took you in, fed you, clothe you, introduce you to the limelight and what do you do... YOU STAB ME IN THE BACK! YOU BITCH. I HOPE YOU DIE!!! YOU SELFISH BITCH. AFTER ALL I DID FOR YOU, THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME. FUCK YOU!!!'


After reading that message, I was so scared. Now I had to block her number as she kept on messaging me hateful things. Eventually I had to change my phone and my number as she would use other phones to message me. Her last message was the worst:


'How do you sleep at night, eh? In that lovely apartment you got. I hope you and your lover die together. Sleep with one eye open cause you'll never know when it will happen.... LOL DIE BITCH!!! DIE!!! Or maybe just kill yourself and I will get what I deserve. WHAT YOU TOOK FROM ME!!!! And what about the baby? Did you kill him? Is he alive somewhere in your house? I don't see any of this so-called precious baby that you wanted us to have together. Maybe it was just an excuse to leave me... If it is alive then I'll kill it too... You and your fucking lover and your fucking child... YOU'RE ALL DEAD... ALLLLLLLLL!!!!!


Thoughts of reporting her to the police were null and void. Her twin brother was a police officer. He even helped me find my dad. I know I'm at a disadvantage especially as I'm relatively new here plus I have a secret lover. Not to mention I couldn't put my son and his new family in danger. I don't know what to do or who to turn to. I don't want to involve Lily as she had her own life to live. Plus, what could she really do? Assign guards for me? Why would she do that and what if her husband found out about us? I can't do that to her. So I blocked Delia again and would keep doing that for every number she messaged me from.


(Month 24)


This is bad. This is really bad... Delia just keep finding ways to get to me and I'm literally scared. Lily doesn't understand because I'm keeping this from her. She doesn't need to know or get involved but it has put a knife into our relationship. I've been keeping a distance from my Lil because I'm afraid that my ex would find out about us. Delia knows I have a lover but never mentioned once that she knew it was Lily. At least I'm thankful for that and also thankful that whenever Lily used to visit me, she'd be covered from head to toe and she'd also used cosmetic pieces on her face to hide her true identity. However, these last few weeks, I've been making excuses for her not to come to see me at all.

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