Chapter Five

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Seven silhouettes weaved through the onyx wooded land, only one rotund male carrying a candle lit lantern that smelt of burnt beeswax. Playfully mocking one another as they attempted to prove their own bravery the young men ventured deep into unknown territory.

Midnight hour created shadows of non-existent ghosts and monsters, tricking the brain into triggering the fight or flight response. Two of the lads were as average as can be; with tawny hair styled short and sleek, and dressed in simple attire. They were clearly siblings one of which had pronounced emerald eyes, his only redeeming quality. The others mocked him tirelessly for having a sweetheart. A fourth boy with sandy blond hair, was the youngest at 17; kicked mud up at the dude taking up the rear. He was the most severe of the group, with a stern face and broad shoulders; he stubbornly marched along with the rest. It was apparent that these guys had been a gang of friends for quite some time by how they behaved with each other.

Judas strut proudly at the head of the pack as he was accustomed to, Erebos fell shortly in line behind him, and the remaining adventurers circled about them exchanging blows as they enjoyed their rebellious night out.

Joking about make-believe threats and folk tales about the banshees snatching people up in the night, they weren't aware of the stalker in the distance.

Creeping ever closer to them an emaciated predator was enticed by a seducing yet unknown aroma. Her decrepit gown dragged in a messy train of tatters and knots as if she were marching towards her future husband in a morbid wedding ceremony. Color drained clumps of hair fell before her melted face; several bald spots exposed a shiny ivory skull. She takes virtually soundless footsteps with bare feet, if you could call them that. Most of her flesh had rotted and peeled away with hundreds of the bones in each foot barely hanging on by tiny strings of ligament and skin.

Disgusting stench lingered on everything she touched; if she brushed by a bush or short new sapling the plant instantaneously shriveled up and disintegrated. Flies even collapsed from the overpowering odor, however, luck was in her favor this evening since the wax candles in the lanterns the men carried disguised her scent.

Erebos was fiddling with the deer antler buttons of his navy jacket and had a cap pulled down low to shield his eyes from the world. He desperately tried to fit in and not stand out but somehow it continued to be a problem in his daily life. That is probably what brought Judas and him together; under normal circumstances the two opposites wouldn't be buddies. Their beliefs and ideals constantly clashed and most of all they valued different moral codes. Even through all this they were closer to each other than the other members of their crew. One final nail in the coffin sealed their friendship: they were both very close with Celesta. Bonding from their shared inconvenience of being recognizable they tried everything to avoid the attention often aiding the other in escape.

"What are we doing out here again?" Erebos sighed as he matched his pace with Judas and tuned out the other's laughter.

Judas chuckled under his breath and a slight puff of fog came from his tight lipped mouth. "Oh you know, scouting for those legendary women. I bet you'll finally find yourself a girl tonight Ere." He gently shoved Erebos into a nearby tree. "Hopefully she'll be just as gorgeous as Ackers', if not better."

"Hmm? Did I hear my name?" The bland Ackers stepped up to defend himself yet again. "I'll have you know my Evelyn is adorable. She's you know... uhm..." he let out an exaggerated sigh, "she's still just a child." The 19 year old moped as he studied his own scuffed boots.

Everyone laughed hysterically together, including Ackers and his sparkling beryl eyes.

"She's not so young. She's what... 13 now right?" Ackers nodded to the light bearer's remark.

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