"Okay, once Eda and The golden guard are out of the picture that's our move to go." Another guild scout says.

You watch and Hunter and Eda run off somewhere. Eventually they're tiny enough to barely be seen. That's when you're group makes a move on.

You all jump out of the bushes and a group on your team runs up to some emperors coven scouts, palisman in hand surrounding them.

"Drop your weapons!" One of the guild scouts in your team shouts.

All of the coven scouts drop their weapons.

"The keys, hand then over." Another team member says.

One of the coven scouts grabs the keys out of their pockets and slowly hands it to one of the members in your team.

Just as soon as your team member is about to grab it, another coven scout jumps in and knocks one of your team mates over.

Your guard goes up, and immediately more coven scouts come down trying to attack your team mates. Team one is still waiting in the bushes for you to open up an entrance inside.

One guard sneaks behind you but you grab it's arm and hurl it around you, they yelp in shock. You summon some vines and strangle some of the other guards and wack them out of the way if you notice any of them attacking your team mates.

That's when you see the keys go flying. Your eyes widen and you run over to try and catch them before they fall into the hands of another coven scout.

A coven scout also seems to spot the keys, you glare at them and quickly grab it midair in your hands before he can. You fall on the ground and swat him away with one of your vines.

You quickly use the keys to open up the entrance of the outpost, and just like that the gate entrance drops down.

"Team 1 make an entrance!" You exclaim.

Team 1 runs into the outpost and team 2 fends off any guards from attacking them as they go in.

"Make sure to leave no witches behind!" You exclaim.

You and your group continue to fend off any coven scouts trying to stop Team 1 from coming in. The goal is to continue fencing until Team 1 breaks all the captive witches out.

One of the coven scouts stop dead in his tracks and looks at you. He isn't attacking, he's just staring at you. You feel awkward and stare at him nervously.

"Y/n?" The coven scout says.

Your eyes widen. You know that voice. Shit, you wish you didn't know that voice.

It's Steve, your older brother.

You go silent, and shake your head and run off. He must have recognized your voice that's why he approached you.

"Wait!" Steve says.

You ignore him best you can and try to fend off other coven scouts. Steve stands there and watches you run off.

Because of this he let his guard down and another person on your team attacks him. Steve immediately gets knocked out. You flinch watching this but continue fending off the other scouts.

Everyone seems to be clearing out so the other guards look at you and nod. They've gotten a few coven scouts captive and it seems they cleared out all the captured witches at the outpost.

You take a deep breath in and sound the horn.

Hunter POV:

"Stop right there!" I yell.

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