the dreams! 16

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Time passed :
One month letter,

Lan zhan didn't pressured him about his answer.. In these months they were talking about their daily routine.. Lan zhan told Wei ying about his two most precious secrets.. Wei ying assured him he never ever told anyone about this..

The first secret was wangji once had a sister.. His won sister her name was xiang.. She was died after birth.. Wangji sees his sister only ones but he loves him very much.. He was only 5 years old on that time..

The second secret was why he broke up with his previous boyfriend meng yao.. Meng yao cheated with him.. One day when wangji arrived his home he sees him sitting on another guy's lap and kissed him.. Wangji got angry and slapped him.. And broke up he didn't told anyone about this..

It's true that wei ying didn't tell wangji about his feelings but wangji clearly feels jealousy in his voice.. When he talked about his and meng yao's together time..

In these one month Wei also told wangji what he done for his family.. And what he wants for his siblings.. Also about those pain gave by his parents.. Wei ying didn't tell anyone about his parents behavior.. His mother of course politely talked with him but she always make him do what she wants. . Wei ying noticed that when he talked with lan zhan about his pain he felt better..

It's not like that they only shared about their sorrow.. They talked about game, shows and also teased each other.. Shared their happy moments.. Wei ying once go for lan zhan's music  show.. They shared a lot of happy moments.. Wei ying always said to lan zhan, " It's seems like we're living together.. "

" Wanna live with me " Lan zhan asked in a teasing tone.. Wei ying scolds him but lan zhan felt honey dripped on his ears..

But nothing stays same forever..
One day Wei ying had a dream.. A dream about lan zhan..
Wei ying overwhelmed by the dream..
At night he told lan zhan about his dream. ..

" You know this the one of my most darkest dream.but it's not a bad dream anymore . " Wei ying said..

" Tell me what is it " Lan zhan asked in a curious voice..

" I saw.. I'm Somewhere there didn't even one light.. I'm scared to much I called for my mother.. I called for yanli.. But they didn't come they left me , I'm screaming,crying like hell. But they didn't come back . My whole body become cold. I'm shivered to much... Then suddenly I saw a blue light appeared from dark.. It's slowly being bigger.. I then saw a human figure.. He wares old fashion robes..It's came to me and pulled me from dark.. Then he takes me a sweet cottage.. When he touches me my all coldness are vanished.. " Wei ying says excitedly..

" How he looks like Wei ying? "

"It's you lan zhan.. The dream is not a bad dream anymore" Wei ying said in a soft smile on his face which lan zhan missed because he was the other side of phone..

Lan zhan overwhelmed when he heard he saved Wei ying from darkness.. But also started thinking that why this kind of dream. .. Was it a kind of message.. His dizz broke by Wei ying, " Lan zhan i have a new name for you "

Lan zhan, " Why you don't like my name? "

Wei ying, " No no no no I like it very much but what I thinks it's suits you "

Lan zhan, " Tell me what is it? "

Wei ying, " Light barrier !! "

Lan zhan, " Light berrier? "

Wei ying, " Yes! Light berrier.. Cause in my dream I see you first at blue light from even you wares a light blue robe.. That's why it's light berrier "

Lan zhan, " I like it.. It's felt like I'm a super hero.. "

Wei ying, " Yes you are " ..

Wangji, " Thanks Wei ying!! "

Wei ying,"lan zhan.. You don't have any darkened or bad dream.. "

Wangji, " Yes I have.. But the most darkest one is to much for me.. When I saw it.. It makes me cry.. I didn't control myself that time.. "

Wei ying, " What is it? "

Wangji, " I saw some bad people who tried to possess someone who are precious for me.. My hands are tide I screamed loudly..... "

Wei ying cuted lan zhan's words, " You screamed stop please stop.. Take my life but relise him.. But they didn't.. They just possess him and send him to death.. Right!! "

Wangji, " How? H.. Ow do you know this?" .

Wei ying, " It's also one of my bad dream lan zhan.. But something changed in mine.. I saw some people tried to possess me and someone sitting front of me some people held him his hands are also tide.. I didn't see his face but I heard he bagged for me.. He said those words lan zhan.. "

They both are started crying..

Wei ying asked, " What is this ? What is this lan zhan? Are we connected somehow? "

Wangji, " I don't know.. I really don't know wei ying.. I don't know what is it? " ..

Wei ying, " Is the fate kidding with us or what? Ehh!!!! I can't understand anything... "

Wangji, " Ok good night Wei ying take some rest "

Wei ying, " Ok.. Good night " He cut the call with a pout.. When he talked with lan zhan he didn't want to cut the call... He never said goodbye or bye.. Now lan zhan always says that.. And he agreed..
He started thinking about what lan zhan said.. But didn't get any conclusion..


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