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This novel is a rewritten version of my book "Legend of the Breeze." To improve the plot, I've had to slightly redesign the characters and rewrite the story. Thus some parts from the original book will be different here.

The name "Legend of the Breeze", wasn't very entertaining and didn't fit the story too well, which is why it's been changed to "Prisoners of unspoken words"

This book serves as a script that might later be turned into an animated series. This book will also include short comics and illustrations.

One of the story's main thoughts is that we are all people who have words we wish to say to someone. We are prisoners of our unspoken words when we struggle to say what we need. And the only way to make ourselves free is to release what's been unspoken, or keep it inside and stay in our prison cell.

I hope this book will make you think for sure. I've been writing it ever since I was thirteen and now as I am nineteen, I think it's time to finish what has begun.

A side note: as a foreigner, my English is not perfect and I do not have enough finances to commission proofreading services, thus I apologize for any mistakes.


THIS NOVEL IS MEANT TO BE AN ANIME, MEANING SOME SCENES MIGHT NOT BE FULLY REALISTIC. Still, I tried to make it as realistic as possible, without most of the "annoying" anime tropes. This novel WILL NOT contain fanservice of any sort. Any possible adaptation of this novel MUST NOT include fanservice, sexualizing characters, or changing their appearance/personality.

I wrote this story to also serve as a script for making an anime out of it. This means it's often described the characters are turning around, POVS switching often, regularly being mentioned where the characters are looking, etc.


This novel does not include many descriptions of the places and characters, because I will be including references, art, and 3D environments of where the characters are. Descriptions might be added later.


ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS GREATELY APPRECIATED. Your comments, reviews, and constructive criticisms will help me improve the overall story and fix plot holes. I will listen to your suggestions and adjust the story accordingly.

SHARING THIS STORY, FANART AND SUGGESTIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED. IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO WORK WITH ME AND HELP ME TURN THIS INTO AN ACTUAL ANIME SERIES/MANGA I WOULD BE VERY GRATEFUL. (Looking for voice actors, 2D Live 2D animators, blender modelers and animators, Vroid artists,  manga/ anime illustration artists, character designers...)





- DRUGS (pills, not drug addictions)



The author is not responsible for any damage to the reader who read the trigger warning, was sensitive to the topics above, and continued to read the book while getting upset.


Here is a list of innovations and changes from the original story so far:

- Changed the name of the story to ensure it is more interesting and relevant to the story

- A New improved cover that connects to the story itself

- The summary of the story was adjusted to ensure more interest in the audience

- A more interesting, entertaining, and longer prologue/pilot included and written

- Redesigned characters to make them look less generic

- Third person's POV changed to 1st

- The main antagonist murderer is introduced in the pilot

- Sakai Yua and Naomi Takao were rewritten to have a bigger impact on the story rather than being introduced and then never spoken of again

- Sakai Yua remade into a minor antagonist

- A more dynamic relationship between Sakai Yua and Takao Naomi

- Takao Naomi becoming a side/minor third character

- Pablo fights his bullies and stands up for himself rather than taking it

- Pablo doesn't tell Kurumi his whole past the second he meets her

- The gangster's scene in chapter 3 was rewritten completely to make more sense and leave a deeper impact on the story

- Changed Pablo's past slightly to make it more interesting and explain his behavior

- Showing Kurumi's responses in a more relevant and realistic way

- Modifying Kurumi's past slightly to make it more sense

- The main part of the story starts after chapter 10 (part 2)

This version will include:

Designs of characters from all sides + the clothes they wear

Illustrations and manga comics (hopefully colorful)

Their rooms, houses, and environment (3D renders made to look 2D)



PLOT HOLES - Sakura trees in September?

- Do new Japanese students always get a tour from a student at the school or just papers?

- Pablo might occasionally have a contradicting personality (?)

- Timeline might not make complete sense (?)

Prisoners of Unspoken Words (LotB REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now