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Jungkook smiles as he watches his parents interact with Jimin

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Jungkook smiles as he watches his parents interact with Jimin. The two really was waiting for him to be with someone. Jungkook stared at Jimin, seeing how he smiled and made sure to answer every questions they ask him.

He then sees his mother pull out his photo album, making him curse to himself.
"Mom, dad... Why are you guys showing him this?" Jungkook asks as he walked in, sitting beside Jimin.

"You look cute" Jimin says and Jungkook covers his face from embarrassment.
"Mom!" Jungkook whined as his mother continued to give details about his past photos. Jimin chuckles, staring at the photos.

The meet-up with his parents eventually came to an end. Jimin and Jungkook walked out, hand in hand as they stared at each other.
"Thank you" Jungkook says, smiling as he stared at Jimin.
"You're welcome, you can always message me if you need anything... Just one hi is enough" Jimin says, chuckling as he stared at Jungkook.

Jungkook laid on his bed, smiling as he stared on his phone. Him and Jimin were once again having a conversation. And he seems to be liking it too much.

Jimin <3

How were you able to
came up with your story?

Just some old story


What do you mean?

Just met some special
person before


Where is this special
person now?

Somewhere far

Do you and this special
person shared some good

Not really

But he was special
to me

Jungkook felt a little jealous but then he reminded himself that he was just someone Jimin had randomly met. Jungkook decides to change the subject and luckily Jimin isn't able to see his reaction at the moment. He huffs, rolling his eyes at his own dumbness.

"Why even ask such question, Jungkook? Now you look like a fool"

"Why even ask such question, Jungkook? Now you look like a fool"

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Stranger, Please Be My Boyfriend [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now