"You guys up to going?" He asked. They nodded and we all got up and went to get swim trunks.

I borrowed one of Eleanor's which Louis had in his bag, so adorable he kept her clothes. The bikini is blue with one white stripe across the left boob, while the bottoms were just plain blue. I slipped it on then ran out to get a towel from the cupboard. I noticed the lads were already at the pool, so I headed down alone.

Once I reached the patio, I placed down my towel and looked around and only found Harry, Louis, as well as Liam in the pool along with Zayn on a deck chair.

Where's Niall?

I was startled as I heard screaming, I turned around and saw Niall running at me. Once he was close enough, he picked me up and ran closer to the pool.

"Niall Horan I swear to fucking Christ put me down now!" I yelled, pounding on his back. He only chuckled in response.

"You ass!" I yelled again, banding on his back muscles.

I was about to yell again, but then I felt the pool water around me along with Niall's arms still on my waist.

As we surfaced, our heads were closer than expected.

His nose was just about a centimeter from mine, his eyes on me as his breathing was hard.

I want to kiss him right now, but then I thought back to how we had this pool incident not too long ago.

I quickly looked away and cleared my throat.

"Um, we should probably go back you kno-" He cut my awkward sentence off, "to-to the lads. Yeah." He finished. I smiled and we made our way over to them. Harry ran up to Niall, dunking him under.

What if Niall and I did kiss? Well, he'd probably look at me disgusted and swim away saying we can't be friends anymore.

Oh god I have to stop thinking like this.

After the lads and I got done swimming, we headed back to the flat and changed. I remembered I had to call May back. I dialed her number and put the phone to my ear.

See, May is another one of my best friends, she's maybe the closest one though. I mean, we practically lived at each others houses when we had our free time. She also really helped me with the break up of Jordan and I. She never liked him in the first place anyways, so she knew something was fishy about him.

"Hello? Dakota?" She asked. Her voice sounded light and airy, typical May.

"Hey May!" I said smiling.

"Dakota Paige Milne why the hell were you on the news today with the Irish lad of One Direction?!"She practically yelled. I giggled, May knows of One Direction, but she's not as obsessed as our friend Rose.

"Oh, I picked the boys up from the airport." I said, leaving out the part of Niall and I having a moment.

"Alright. Speaking of airports, when the hell are you getting here?" She said excitedly. I looked over to the calendar on Niall's wall. I only had two weeks left here? What! Time goes by so fast! Christmas is next week too.

"Two weeks, then I'm back the week of New Years to pack my stuff for London." I said. I picked up my wet bathing suit, folding it in the towel.

Where do I put this?

"Did you ever find a flat there?" She asked. May was also going to London, but I pretty sure it's for swimming, and her mum got her a small apartment there ever since she found out she was going to go to college.

"Well... yeah I guess you can say that." I said, mumbling the last few words.

"What do you mean, babe?" She asked.

"Well, I kind of-" she cut me off

"Your moving in with Niall, huh?" She asked. I almost jolted at her accuracy, my eyes going wide.

"How did you-"

"Dakota and Niall, siting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Just then, Niall walked in. I told her to shut up and she did so, I looked over to Niall.

"Have you seen my jacket?" He asked. I heard May shout.

"Is that your boyfriend, Dakota?" My eyes went wide and Niall chuckled. I put the phone to my ear.

"May I'll call you later, love you bye." I said hanging up, not waiting for a reply so she wouldn't say anything else stupid.






lol jk

So yeah uh just you know do the following things and maybe ill post another chapter









W H A T E V E R.



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