12 ~ Kiss?

282 15 33

Yeonjun pov:)

I woke up by the sun rays hitting straight on my face from the window.

I groaned and blinked three, four times to adjust the lighting around me.

I tried to get up but for some reason i couldn't move.

I looked besides me to see soobin was asleep hugging me.

I don't know why i freaked out and screamed.

"AAAAAAAAAA" I scream waking soobin up.

Soobin fell out of bed and rubs his but in pain.

"What the hell yeonjun! why are you screaming in early morning?" He asked in raspy voice and half opened eyes.

"W-what are you doing in my room?!!" Yeonjun asks.

Soobin frowns and got up.

"What do you mean? Weren't you the one who called me and asked me to cuddle you because you were scared"

I tried to remember what happened yesterday, but when i realised what happened yesterday night, my eyes went wide open.

After a bit of silence he came closer to me and asked.

"Can you tell me what happened yesterday and what voices you were talking about?"

'No no no how would i tell him that my mind was having a debate that i love you or hate you'.

"Umm.......i-it was nothing, i am okay" yeonjun said looking everywhere but soobin.

After a long pause i decided to speak again.

"I-i think you are getting late for office and i am also getting late for work" saying that i ran for shower.

I released my breathe that i was holding for a long time.

I hold bathroom sink for support and looked myself in mirror.

I chuckled bitterly.

"I am so fucked up aren't i?!" I asked myself.

I looked at my pathetic self for a solid ten minutes and decided to do my morning routine.

After taking shower i went downstairs to eat breakfast.

I saw jin hyung cooking so i greeted him.

"Good morning jin hyung" i said smiling.

Jin hyung turned around and smiled widely.

"Oo you woke up! Good morning yeonjun, let's have breakfast" jin hyung said while putting the dishes on the table.

I sat on the table with jin and stared to eat.

I looked around to see a certain someone still haven't came for breakfast.

When i was looking around i heard a laugh, i look at my front to see jin hyung laughing.

"Hyung why are you laughing?" I asked frowning.

"Finding soobin aren't you!" He replied.

I gasped.

"H-how did you know?" I asked while being shocked.

He again laughs.

"I just know, and answer to your question is soobin went to office because he had some urgent work" jin hyung said while eating his food.

"So he didn't had breakfast?" I asked.

LIE  ~YEONBIN FF~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang