Chapter 1

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"Jess you ready yet?" I hear Ashley call from downstairs.

"One sec." I say while I throw my books in the suitcase then I zip it up. I make my way down stairs and see an impatient Ashley.

"What were you doing your hair?" He teases.

"Shut up!" I push him gently. We laugh at each other.

"Let's get going before that asshole gets here." He says. I nod and we leave the house and get into his car. Ashley is one of my best friends. Shit, I've known him since second grade all the kids thought he was weird because he stood out but who cares? I stood out just a little me and Ashley were kinda the same, same taste in music, alternative style but he wasn't good about talking to people, but over the years he got over it. To this day I still recommend him one of my best friends more like a brother.

"Again I'm sorry you have to take me in." I say. My mom and Dad died when I was only 13 and I lived with my grandparents who were very strict. They aren't the type of people who would let a 19 year old stay at their house.

"Jess it's perfectly fine! You stay as long as you want that house is made for a lot of people." He says. I nod and smile.

I've met all the members except the lead singer. Andy? I think that was his name.

"I must say I am sorry that you have to live with boys." He laughs.

"Don't be sorry! Im just glad I have a place to stay." I smile kindly at him. I'm truly great full.


We finally get to the house. It was giant almost like a mansion. It was creamy white with black shutters, that's awesome how did they get black shutters?! Ashley opens my door.

"Ma lady?" He holds out a hand.

"Why thank you sir." I say elegantly and take his hand.

Me and Ashley take my luggage and he opens the front door. "I'm home and I brought my best girl." Soon enough we hear many footsteps. CC, Jake, and Jinxx come down followed by someone behind them. I looked to see it was a very gorgeous man with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, his skin was pale but man this guy was a beautiful human being. I broke contact with him but I feel like he kept staring at me.

"Jessie we haven't seen you in forever!" CC says enthusiastically.

"We've been wondering why Ashley has been keeping you all to his self." Jake grins.

"We all missed you..." Jinxx says.

"We'll I've missed you guys too!" I smile at them. I really did miss these sweet faces.

"Andy c'mere!" Ashley says. That's Andy. He smiles nicely and shakes my hand...his hand is very warm.

"Andy. Nice to meet you, welcome to the house, Jessie." He says nicely. There's something off about's weird.

Ashley shows me my room which was really nice it had a flat screen in it a nice big queen sized bed plus my own bathroom! The bath and shower were separate! I started to unpack when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I expected Ashley to come in but no I got another surprise. It was Andy.

"Just to get things clear. Don't try anything." He says with a straight face.

"What do you mean?" I ask. This guy was so much different then before. What's his deal?

"Don't try to seduce me or try to screw me cause it's not gonna happen." He says coldly.

"Who says I'm interested?" I say. He's taken aback and just stares at me then leaves. What the hell is his deal? I knew something was up. I walk into the bathroom and splash water on my face. I started to study my features as I saw my reflection. My eyes were brown I've never liked them but others did so that good! My hair was auburn red, not a ginger but actual red. I'm also really short too and always been pretty small. Whatever I need to unpack my stuff.


I go downstairs to find only Andy there watching TV. I ignore him but I feel his eyes on me the whole time, I walk into the kitchen I'm thirsty and a bit hungry. I look through the fridge to find something to eat. Ooh almond milk now I'm taking that! I closed the fridge door to find Andy behind it.

"Jesus Christ!" I jumped. "What's your deal." I mumbled.

"You're weird." He says.

"Rude!" I say and I look in the cabinets. I grab a granola bar.

"I don't get why a girl like you moves in a house with a bunch of men. Sounds kinda gross to me." He says coldly.

"You don't know anything about me. I'm here because I have no place to stay!" I say and I take my food and leave. I get that last word again. God he's so full of himself plus he's rude!

Fuck you. (Andy Biersack fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now