★ Special Chapter; Future ★

Start from the beginning

and this is Jeonglin


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the next day, Lee Know and Seungmin went to go pick up their children. when they got home, they gave them a house tour, shit like that and then they called the others over

"okay so you two are gonna meet your 6 uncles, okay?" Seungmin said

"6?.." Leehyun asked, sounding a bit worried

"they are crackheads, so be prepared." Lee Know said

a few minutes later, there was a knock at the door, "awh man their here.." Lee Know 'sadly' went over to the door and opened it. Hyunjin and Han both ran into the house while the others followed. they all froze when they saw the children

"oh my god..."

Chan's jaw dropped, "MAN IF MY CHILDREN DONT LOOK LIKE THIS." he said, turning to Han, but realizing he wasnt even listening. he had Leehyun in his arms already

"you whore let go of my child!" Lee Know said, slamming the front door shut and quickly went over


"which ones which?"

"okay can y'all calm down and sit." Seungmin said

after they all calmed down, the two girls introduced themselves

"hello, I'm Jeonglin!" the older one bowed, making Hyunjin kick his feet slightly in excitement. Jeongin grinned


Seungmin noticed and quickly went over and crouched down in front of Leehyun

"don't be scared, alright? they are all very nice and caring. trust me, if you can't reach out to me, Lee Know, or your sister, you can always reach out to one of them. okay?" Seungmin whispered

Leehyun nodded, then turned back to the others, who were waiting patiently. Seungmin went back over to Lee Know and the older quickly wrapped his arms around his waist, placing a kiss onto his cheek

"I'm Leehyun.."

Hyunjin couldn't help but squeal and kick his feet. Leehyun slightly chuckled

after they all introduced themselves to Leehyun and Jeonglin, they started to get to know the two better

"do you tell them about their names?" Hyunjin asked

"oh no, not yet."

"why did you choose our names? Jeonglin asked

"well your named after two of your uncles."

"which ones?.."

"Hyunjin and Innie."

"who's Innie?.."

"that one" Lee Know said, pointing to Jeongin who fell asleep laying against Hyunjin's arm, "his actual name is Jeongin"

"ah, that makes more sense."

"so I got Hyun...from him?.." Leehyun pointed to Hyunjin

Seungmin nodded

"mm, I accept! I have very pretty uncles"

"and parents?? like hello! look at them!" Jeonglin said, faking an attitude

Seungmin slightly scoffed and shaked his head. Lee Know caressed Seungmin's waist, trying to distract him away from his thoughts

"mm...what do I call you guys?..-" Leehyun asked

"great question-" Han said, starting to think about it

"well...Lee Know could be dad?" Chan suggested

"and Seungmin could be....uh....papa?...." Changbin said, being confused

"I guess." Seungmin said


"alright say bye to your uncles!" Seungmin said, closing the door after the 6 boys had left

"I like my uncles!" Jeonglin said

"yeah, they are very funny" Leehyun added

"I'm glad you like them. they were very excited when they heard you guys were coming"

"do they like us even more now?" Jeonglin asked

"I'm not sure, probably?"

Lee Know then came back downstairs and hugged Seungmin from behind. they two girls just stared

"uh...papa? you okay?..."

"yes I'm fine Hyun. your dad just loves to do this" Seungmin said as he turned his body and kissed the older's head

"alright bed time." the younger pulled away and brung Leehyun and Jeonglin upstairs to their room

he then read them a bed time story, spent some time with them and even laughed with them

Lee Know was watching at the door, smiling gently towards them. he was glad he finally had children. they may not actually be his own, but he will always and always protect those two girls..

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