chapter 2

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chapter 2: Drift

Sayaka and Midari have gotten closer but now that Sayaka's Student Council Secretary, they don't have much time for each other anymore.

They had lost contact the next year. Midari seemingly lost her mind and Sayaka became Secretary. Even so, they remained good friends. Occasionally, Sayaka would visit Midari on the weekends, telling her parents she was going to the library. She wishes she could do it more often but with Sayaka going into high school and her Student Council duties, there wasn't really any time for Midari. Sayaka spent her final year in middle school shadowing the president. That's why Midari wasn't surprised when she found out Sayaka's feelings for the President.

It was towards the end of the year and Sayaka was reading on the floor of Midari's bedroom. Midari herself was sprawled across her bed. A pair of speakers were blasting music through the room. Sayaka's head was bobbing her head and Midari doing her finger drums.

"So how's working with the President?" Midari asked.

"Busy," replied Sayaka. She didn't lift her head from her book as she spoke. "It's a lot of paperwork and I handle all the President's appointments including her meals."

Midari whistles. "Sounds like fun. What's she like?"

"S-She's... um... nice?"

Midari sits up and looks at her friend, puzzled. Of all the things she'd heard about the President, nice was not one of them. She sees the all too telling scarlet hue dusting her cheeks.

"Wait," Midari said in realization. "You've got the hots for the Prez."

"WHAT?" Sayaka screeched. "I do not!" Her voice rose in pitch as she continued to deny it.

Midari was howling with laughter. "Damn. If she got you hooked, I need to see her for myself."

Midari hadn't seen her until the following year when they were both in high school. Like Sayaka, she was also hooked. Sayaka was present when she lost that gamble and her eye. Watching her only friend stab her eye with a pen was the most gruesome thing she'd ever witnessed. If watching her get piercings made her squeamish, this made her physically sick. Midari received a harsh scolding from Sayaka but she also got a Council seat.

Midari drove Sayaka nuts. It was probably her goal in the first place. Sayaka was forced to hunt her down every time her paperwork was due. Sometimes it was done but it was barely legible. Sayaka forced Midari to rewrite her chicken scratch which took even longer as Midari slowly made each letter as neat as she could. Sayaka felt like she was losing her mind but she wouldn't have it any other way. Like the President, Midari was someone who gave meaning to her life. Midari was the one who helped her break out of that cage her parents trapped her in. She put up a front around other people. She didn't need word getting to her parents that she wasn't the perfect little girl they raised anymore.

In their second year, the election changed everything. Sayaka's relationship with the President had changed drastically. Sayaka had called Midari after the tower of doors. It was nearly two in the morning. Sayaka couldn't sleep after what had transpired.

Sayaka held the phone up to her ear. She was wide awake even as she felt fatigued. Her mind felt disconnected from her body but it didn't stop her from picking up the phone.

She was worried Midari wouldn't pick up but the call connected with a click.

"Do you know what time it is?" Midari answered. "I'm tryin' to sleep here."

Sayaka ignored her and squealed quietly instead. "You won't believe what happened with the President."

Midari groaned on the other end. "This couldn't wait until tomorrow?"

"Sorry. I can't sleep."

"Of course you can't." Sayaka could practically feel Midari rolling her eyes. "Look, I'll get to school early tomorrow and you can vent your horniness for the President then."

Sayaka became flustered. "What? N-NO! I don't have-"

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